Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #143: Besieged Advantage

Update #143: Besieged Advantage
Version Date
Sept. 16, 2024

Patch Notes

Update #143: Besieged Advantage

Update #143 opens a new weeks with a solid patch, balance improvements, better Haven Smokeout, better Siege proc-gen objective and more. Thanks to everyone playing, posting and firing off the F10s that are helping us to continually improve the game. We're looking forward to another great week of updates and this is a nice way to kick the week off.

If you like the way we are running the Cyber Knight's Early Access - please take a moment to share that or how you're enjoying the game in a review. We are a tiny team, and we need your support. Thank you!

Four Mercs on the Smokeout

Octane's first mission is Haven Smokeout - which is of an older mission, designed as far back as late 2022. The decision to limit it to 3 mercs was made in mid 2023 and never re-reviewed. We continue to hear from players how this mission is challenge, a sudden spike in difficulty or that the secondary objective is so hard to hit. We've adjusted the mission a ton of times but always missedt he glaring odditi - Cyber Knight's missions are for 4 mercs (with the future option of more) but sending 3 is an oddity and an unfair additional challenge for your first real mission in the gam.e

Now, 4 mercs go ono the Smokeout!

Siege Objective gains Hot Intercept

The proc-gen Siege objective has always felt a little wrong at just how much your team has to scramble to try to advantageous positions before the wave of enemies crashes against your defenses. The storyline does justify and discuss this - that it isn't clear exactly where the enemy assault squad will make their strike and that you'll need to deploy rapidly to meet the threat. However, with Update #143, we've adjusted the rules to give all merc teams deploying into a Siege mission an automatic Hot Intercept Leverage. This is always applied and without any cost or need for you to do anything.

The result is that on the first turn of the Siege, your entire team gains +3 MP. We tried giving you a full turn before the enemy arrives but it turned out to be too odd and too OP. The +3 MP bonus feels good - you've got a little more room to get where you need to be and preserve your AP for Overwatch, hurling the Shock Mine field or buffing or whatever crazy plan you've cooked up.

Hover Dusted-Evac Fixes

Hover Dusted-Evac is now popping up everywhere and its great to see so many players enjoying the new level. The feedback has been great and we're excited to increase the footprint of the other newly added levels to keep up with Dusted. As we make those strides to get the new maps into more rotations, it will be a great moment where the game's map set expands and we see less and less chances for repetition as you run multiple missions.

Getting the map out there in a big way has also exposed a number of other bugs that the map had, so we've resolved everything reported with this update. There was a bug with the Kill 3 Captains objective where you could win the mission immediately and a second bug where some of the fences on the far end of the map could only be jumped in very specific places. Resolved!

Respec Cyber Classes

With this update, we've also improved the rules shared in the respec confirmation pop-up. If you opted into a multi-class by installing a cybernetic implant (i.e. Hacker, Agent EX, Scourge or Vanguard) then this is a cyber class. Respec'ing will not remove the class because it would have to remove the cybernetic implant. Respec'ing will unspend all the points on that class tree and leave you only the root of the tree.

However, if you want to remove the cyber class then you want to uninstall the cybernetic implant. The text is now clearer about that, stating: "f you have multi-class into a cyber class by installing an implant, you must remove that implant in the Cyber Surgery screen in order to remove that class."

Hacking Zone

We fixed a minor (but annoying) bug where you could feasibly move the camera outside of the play zone within the hacking map and then … the camera would get stuck outside and not come back inside. The bounds were reversed, keeping you out instead of keeping you in. Now fixed!

Bug and Typo Fixes!

No F10 is ignored, so thank you to everyone who is posting them up even if they are small, minor, little typos or mistakes. We keep fixing, fixing, fixing! We fixed some issues with Injured or Legwork tag in barracks sticking around too long. We fixed some dialog typos and 2 places where the Contact and Knight's name could be flipped.

Thanks to everyone playing, posting F10s, posting on the boards or typing up a review.

v1.8.97 - #143: Besieged Advantage - 9/16/2024

- Adjusted Octane's first mission, Haven Smokeout, to allow 4 mercs instead of 3
- Added automatic Leverage to all Siege proc-gen missions, Hot Intercept, adds +3 MP for first Turn
- Fixed bug in Dusted Hover-Evac Kill 3 Captains objective combo where you could instantly win
- Fixed bug in Dusted Hover-Evac where certain fence lines could not be crossed
- Clarified rules in Respec pop up: if you multi-class into a cyber class by installing an implant, remove implant to remove class
- Fixed camera bug with Hacking mission where the camera could get stuck outside of the map
- Fixed some caching bugs that could cause "Injured" or "Legwork" tag to stick around on barracks
- Fixed typos and dialogs where names were flipped