Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #144: Suppressants Rain Down

Update #144: Suppressants Rain Down
Version Date
Sept. 18, 2024

Patch Notes

Update #144: Suppressants Rain Down

Knights and mercs, we've got another update coming in hot. We're back on the drum beat of enemy variety but now we've moved on from enemies throwing buffing and healing grenades into the other type - nasty debuffing and damaging grenades hurled straight at you! We've also added the Wreckspire map to the Q-Gap Spike proc-gen objective, marking a new combo and a first step (at 41 combos) toward the goal of 50 proc-gen combos. A new backpack and some fixes to hair, bug fixes and more, round out the update.

We've got a lot more coming this month as we're working on some major content dumps, improvements to the sightline and security UIs and more, more. So, if you're enjoying the progress on the game or just keeping an eye on us, be sure to leave a review to help us keep up this pace!

New Enemies: Suppressants and Blooders

Megacorporate forces operating within their own facilities choose to use Suppressants when crowd control or tactical suppression is needed. Hurling semi-non-lethal Stunbombs, a Suppressant can really mess you up, reducing your AP and your Move Speed while dealing a modest dose of Pure Damage. And, if the target isn't dropped by their grenade, Suppressants have full authorization to resort to their tactical shotgun - "Get down and stay down."

In addition to the new Suppressants, all of the Syndicates have gained Blooders, a particularly nasty enemy type known to litter battlefields with shrapnel grenades. Combined with Shocktops and Whistlers, the trio is really putting some backing behind the claim that Syndicates are to be feared and not crossed. The Blooder's hurled munition will explode with deadly force, dealing up to 60 Pure Damage and then causing a 3 Turn bleeding wound at 20 Dmg / Turn. Find some Bandages and don't let a Whistler see or shoot you during this time. Double bleeds are never good!

New Proc-Gen Map Combo

The new objective type for Wreckspire is Q-Gap Spike, putting you on a mission to hack a buried terminal that has been hidden on this rooftop battleground. We have really enjoyed testing this one here, as Wreckspire is a great map for Snipers - yours and theirs! - and can lead to some really intense gunfights over control of the central high point. It is excited to see Wreckspire coming to play in its 3rd objective and now that we've got this one locked in, we'll be pushing up to get Bodyguard, Kill 3 Captains and Battle Striker objectives added without much delay.

We also are continuing to make minor improvements to Dusted Hover-Evac, as it is getting so much more play we're taking that feedback as we go to make each pass better and better. What a great map!

New Medic's Backpack + 2 Hair Fixes

While the Combat Medic class hasn't been released yet, the enemy still has the E-Medics and you might designate someone on your team to carry all the medkits. If you do, this new backpack is just for them!

We've also resolved issues with these two hair styles that were massively over shiny and looked metallic or … something bad. And they both had the same issue where the "short shave" part of the hairstyle was included as part of the mesh. The option to have short shave under your hairstyle is coming soon, so we needed to separate those.

Fixed Merc Limit Breaks + Traits

We've fixed an issues that allow mercs with Loyalty below 60% to still have the option to raise their Traits to level 3. Increasing your Traits to level 3 and 4 is locked by 60% Loyalty, so this fix has corrected the rules for locking them up. Get that Loyalty up for the best Trait gains, temp Traits and Attribute increases.

Fixes for Mass Trauma Kit and Nuke I (FAS)

We've made some fixes to some files and items with this update. The File Set for Nuke I (FAS) was still misrepresenting itself and in some places claiming you were working on Nuke II (FAS).

Also, the item Mass Trauma Kit was disconnected from its ability and so showed an empty description for what it could do.

v1.8.99 - #144: Suppressants Rain Down - 9/18/2024

- Added new aggressive grenade enemy abilities - boom-boom, debuffing, concussion!
- Added Suppressants (corporate) enemies who use non-lethal concussion grenades to reduce Move Speed and AP
- Added Blooders (Syndicate) enemies who use shrapnel grenades to cause Pure Dmg and Damage over Time
- Added new proc-gen map and objective combo: Wreckspire X Q-Gap Spike
- Added new combat medic's backpack option
- Fixed bug allowing Limit Break to raise a Trait to level 3 with Loyalty below 60%
- Fixed bug with item Mass Trauma Kit not having any effect
- Fixed name mismatch for File Set to compile Nuke I (FAS)
- Improved 2 female hair that were overly shiny/metallic and had short shave built into the hair mesh
- Tweaking and balancing Dusted Hover-Evac level and different possible start / exits / enemy configuration
- Fixed typos and dialog mistakes