Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #16: Roadmap Milestone "Hacker's Nest"

Update #16: Roadmap Milestone "Hacker's Nest"
Version Date
Nov. 14, 2023

Patch Notes

Update #16: Roadmap Milestone "Hacker's Nest"

We've been hitting an aggressive pace of 1 update every 2 days since launch, so you know when a few days go by – it's gotta be something big! And indeed, it is - Update #16 delivers on the first Roadmap Milestone for November, the Hacker's Nest. This update also includes multiple other improvements for hacking the matrix as well as the first use of a self-healing system for Contacts which will help us continue to deliver on the promise of never invalidating saved games.

We've got a packed roadmap schedule for the rest of November with the first wave of proc-gen missions coming and some big updates to the existing tutorial, and we'll be working on new content, features and polish in between those larger roadmap milestones, so stay tuned to this stream right here.

If you're enjoying the progress the game is making and the pace of updates, we hope you'll leave a review and share the game with a friend!

Hacker's Nest

The features for the Hacker's Nest are a combination of the ability to browse, swap out and upgrade your cyberdeck's programs from your roster plus the market options to shop for and buy cyberdecks and programs. This now gives you autonomy over how you want to setup your Hacker's and their cyberdeck's programs. It's a big win for the Roadmap and for the matrix and hacker meta, letting you plot your own course in the matrix now.

In addition, we've introduced new program types include Nuke (which damages all IC in a node) and utility programs like Data Filter and Trace Vector. Utility programs grant a buff when they are loaded and remove the buff if they are unloaded. So, loading them into your cyberdeck's Active Memory and paying the IO cost for the first Turn of loading can net you a powerful multi-Turn buff. Check out the new options with Utilities and higher level Scan, Attack, and Nuke.

When building our your deck's, one limitation you have to plan around is Deck and Program Rating. Simply put - a Deck cannot install a Program the exceeds its DecK Rating. Therefore, a Rating 5 program requires at least a Rating 5 Cyberdeck. Also - keep in mind that installing a program on a deck permanently burns it into the quantum chips and removing it is a permanent delete.

Contact Self-Heal

Contacts and the services they offer are very dynamic - as the game progresses, each Contact has the opportunity to level up or downgrade their services (such as paying Dr. Ashe to upgrade the medical clinic and cybernetic options) as well as adding new services altogether, or even temporary or one-time services (like Origami Joe's special rifle).

With all this possible change and depth, and as we add entirely new service offerings to the game, we need a tool to be able to fix Contacts who missed something due to the age of a saved game or fix a mistake that was made at some point. So, with Update #16, we're rolling out the first set of Contact self-healing changes. There was a mistake where Syndicate Bosses, Blades and Financiers all sold Cyberdecks - that's not great. Now in all games - new and old - that will be fixed immediately on load. Also, your friendly neighborhood Wireghost was not selling enough of the options for Programs and Cyberdecks, so we've upgraded all Wireghosts in all games - new and old.

Protecting your saved games and letting you play them forward without concern for loss or invalidation is a commitment we take into account whenever we do anything technical related to saved games. This new self-healing system took some time to get just right it is another piece of the puzzle to deliver on our promise.

In addition, we've made a fix in story self-healing so that if you've previously played Carnivore mission but ended up without knowing the corrupt cop in your Contact list, that is now resolved the next time you return to the safehouse.

CPU Spike

We know CPU Spiking has caused a lot of questions - as we have helped field them too! With Update #16, we've upgraded the UI around CPU Spiking so that it appears in the list in the same size and style as an IC or a Door in an RCU. In addition, we've included clear rules about the requirements to Spike the CPU - that is, you must destroy (and not just disable) all IC within the node before you can spike.

Respec Fixes

If you multi-class into a cyber-class by getting a cybernetic implant, we've fixed a loophole that would let you Respec out of that class. In the future, we may enable this option if you confirm it and can have the cyberware removed, but right now it was causing bugs and needs to be protected against. So, take your time considering spec'ing into a cyber-class like Vanguard or Hacker, you can't Respec out anymore.

v1.1.1 - 11/14/2023

- Hacker's Next: Cyberdeck and Program Management now available
- Purchase and upgrade your cyberdeck to better models
- Install, delete, upgrade and strategize with your program set
- New program types and levels available - Nuke, Trace Vector, Data Filter
- New utility programs provide a buff while loaded into active memory
- Install CPU Spike is better formatted, lists rules and displayed above IC
- Fixed all pricing issues with Cyberdecks and Programs for sale
- Fixed issues with Contacts like Syndicate Boss incorrectly selling Cyberdecks in all saved games
- Fixed typo in Matrix Attack programs damage, now clearly 37-50 Dmg (etc)
- Fixed issue Respec'ing with multi-class cyber classes like Hacker or Vanguard - no longer removes root node
- Fixed all games - if you've completed Carnivore, corrupt cop is now a Known Contact