Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update 17: Mystic Monster

Update 17: Mystic Monster
Version Date
Nov. 15, 2023

Patch Notes

Update 17: Mystic Monster

Update #17 lands in the short minute between Hacker's Nest release and the upcoming release of Proc-Gen Missions. It's a monster of a polish release, squashing bugs and F10s left and right. Even as we add new features and content, we're working hard to increase the overall polish and ease of play.

For the full list of fixes, check out the entire change log below. We'll hit some highlights here.

If you're enjoying the pace of updates, please leave a review and share the game with a friend!

Attack Program Resize / Rename

We've done some balancing from the early feedback we've heard on cyberdeck builds that has reduced the size and program rating of some of the Attack programs to help them better fit into your strategies, and better allow for multiple Attack program strategies that are already developing. In addition, there we some places where "AOE Attack" was showing instead of "Nuke" and those are now resolved.

We also resolved an issue where some programs were incorrectly showing a recharge Turn counter once they had some charges used up. Programs do not work this way - you refresh their charges by reloading them through your IO buffer. Fixed!

On-Going Story Fixes

Any time we get a report of a story bug that causes a permanent defect, we'll be working to issue a story fix that will resolve it in all games new and old. Last update, we resolved an issue with the corrupt cop from Carnivore not appearing as known after the missions. In Update #17, we've resolved a bug report that Dr. Ashe could end up with the Greedy Trait instead of the Partner Trait. This is fixed for all future and past games, so if you've previously played through this section and paid for the clinic, check Dr. Ashe for the Trait upgrade.

Heat Generation

For a few releases, Heat generation from missions has been way off – just too high all the time. We've fixed the bug and adjusted the range. The lowest Heat any mission can generate from Security Level is 2 (even if your Sec Level is 0) and the highest you can generate from Security Level is 14 (which is Sec Level 7 and up). This fixes the bug first and foremost, but also widens the range to further reward very quiet players and also give incentive to louder players to keep moving quickly.

Improved Tutorial & Rooftop

We've made some balance changes to the tutorial to ensure we're giving an easy space to learn, make mistakes and play. We've tweaked the rooftop starting setup and dialog to reinforce the different options of sneaking OR fighting your way through the different challenges.

v1.1.3 - 11/15/2023

- Reduced program size and rating for Attack Programs
- Fixed issues with Nuke Program not always being named correctly
- Removed incorrect recharge turns being shown on loaded programs
- Fixed Clinic Expansion story issue where Dr. Ashe was getting Greedy Trait, now fixed to Partner in all games
- Fixed Forward Op navigation issue - you can squeeze through the 2 trucks now
- Fixed bug with weapons / swords not showing expanded ammo capacity in HUD on missions
- Fixed missing sprite for max reloads for weapons like E-Rifle
- Fixed bug with minimum Heat generated by missions being way too high
- Fixed issue with Knight's "Rewind" Talent bonus getting undone if you Retry Turn the next turn
- Added hovers to the Play and Fast forward buttons in safehouse timeline
- Fixed issue with no automatic movement camera mode, reduces hitches in pan/rotation while changing Turns
- Fixed issue with camera panning or rotating while typing into F10 feedback form
- Improved Training screen display of Training Points / Talent Limit to make training more clear
- Improved starting setup on Syndicate Debts Plan B rooftop level
- Improved balance of tutorial enemies
- Fixed issue where Roster would incorrectly report "1 Injured" sometimes, randomly
- Fixed missing label for high ground accuracy bonus (+10%) when at least 2m above target
- Fixed forward ballcap cosmetic for all masculine faces