Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #181: Assassin Rising

Update #181: Assassin Rising
Version Date
Nov. 29, 2024

Patch Notes

Update #181: Assassin Rising

Another heist on the streets of New Boston and another update coming down the pipe. Thanks to everyone playing and posting F10s, reviews and sharing the game. And welcome to all the new Knights joining us during the Autumn Sale - we've got a lot more coming your way.

Today's update adds a new mission map option to the Assassinate VIP mission type, improves on the Fast Forward system (less finicky hotkeys) and an option to Auto Fast Forward all the time, improving Limit Breaks and fixing bugs, rebuilding the Timeline Event History to remove paging and upgrade to high performance endless scroll, and finally fixing some reported F10s with existing mission maps.

A big thanks to everyone posting up a review this week! Our tiny dev team is grateful for you ːsteamhappyː

New Assassin VIP Map Combos

With Update #181, we've started the drive to add more mission maps to the pool for the Assassinate VIP proc-gen objective. This objective has the lowest variety with a paltry 2 maps (with the other types ranging from 8 to 14) so it is a big goal to bring Assassinate VIP up to par before we add the next objective type of the map set.

Improved Fast Forward + Auto FF Option

With some help from @Stormfox we identified some annoying input issues with the ESC key to fast forward enemy turns, sometimes leading to being unable to fast forward turns if you hit the key at the wrong time. We've wrapped all of this up - if you push the hotkey (or click) for Fast Forward enemy turn at any point, then it will immediately engage and fast forward all possible future moves.

We've also taken the moment to expand this out to an Auto Fast Forward option which removes all need for your input. If you're playing with this option engaged, any enemy whose movement is determined not to have immediate impact (seeing you, discovering a dead body, etc) will be immediately fast forward without any requirement to hit ESC (etc).

It always feels good to be able to play faster when you're in the mood, so we're excited to deliver this option for those players putting in short or long hours with Cyber Knights!

Contact Limit Break: Ordering & Hiding

We've improved the rules for how Contact LImit Breaks are processed to put some ordering to them. The ordering is based on the turn on which the Contacts have their Limit Break with enough Influence or Exposure to score it. This is helping to reduce the feeling that some Contacts can get "stuck" in limbo land without their Limit Breaks coming.

An important note - this will take a little while to even out for existing games. The data for existing Contacts with Limit Breaks was randomized, so that backlog of Limit Breaks will have to clear first before you start to see a more orderly progression.

We've also fixed an issue that was caused by any time that the Contact Goes Into Hiding option appeared in the Negative Limit Break list. This would always put the Contact into hiding no matter how many Favors you spent or other options were available. This is now resolved!

Timeline Event History Scrolling

With Update #181 we've also completed another performance and UI improvement related to large scrolling tables. This time, we've hit the Timeline History screen and removed its sub-optimal paging UI and replaced it with a high performance endless scroller.

In addition, we've made more fixes to how icons are generated, placed and their size to make the event list a little more fun to look at and read an address some issues where not all the crafting results got good icons.

v1.9.35 - #181: Assassin Rising - 11/29/2024

- Added Trucker HQ map to Assassinate VIP objective for new proc-gen combo (now 80!)
- Added new option to Fast Forward enemy turn automatically if enemy is deemed to have no immediate impact
- Fixed Fast Forward enemy turn issue where hitting ESC too early in their turn could lock you out of skip their turn
- Fixed Contact Limit Break bug causing Contact to go into Hiding even if you spent a Favor and picked something else
- Contact Limit Breaks are now ordered by game turn the Limit Break became ready, greatly reducing the chance a contact is "stuck"
- Improved format and icons used for Timeline Event History - fixed crafting events that lacked icon
- Removed paging from Timeline Event History, now high performance endless scrolling
- Fixed invisible scope not appearing on ARs, etc
- Fixed issues with extraction objectives in Rooftop Ziggurat Heist CPU missions