Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #19: Urban Bindings

Update #19: Urban Bindings
Version Date
Nov. 19, 2023

Patch Notes

Update #19: Urban Bindings

Update #19 rolls out at the end of this weekend in response to a lot of the F10s submitted by the players who are loose in the NBZ, running heists, keeping their head above the cutting line and building their legends. This quality of life and bug fix patch caps off a big weekend and preps us for the next major push - adding proc-gen missions.

If you're enjoying the pace of improvements, remember to leave a review!

New Defaults / Clear Options Button

We've been working on and testing a bundle of improvements to the keybindings and default controller setup and are excited to roll them out to players in Update #19.

For all keybindings in the safehouse, this update is going to clear and reset any custom bindings you've made and you'll need to rebind them. For the mission map set, the minor change we made will be applied unless you already customized the Toggle Mode key.

Here is a full of changes we made:
  • For controllers, left and right shoulder are now correctly bound to previous and next in lists, timeline and tab groups. These simply weren't bound before so they were showing as Q / E.
  • For keyboard, we've consolidated safehouse and mission map to work the same, and now TAB and Shift are used everywhere as next and previous (replacing Q/E in safehouse).
  • We've stopped using ALT as a hotkey, that was bad practice given ALT+Tab and other AL+Blah system hotkeys.
  • In the mission map, you now use C to Toggle Mode, such as sneak/sprint and also to toggle firing modes from full auto and back again.
  • In the safehouse, where ALT was used was always as the top level UI confirmation, so it has been switched to ENTER.
  • In New Game Appearance, this also helped remove a duplicate use of ALT (continue or remove optional cosmetic). Now continuing is ENTER by default and removing an optional cosmetic is H.
You can of course change any of these that you like through Options > Keybindings. In addition, until the Reset Default buttons in the Mission Map / Safehouse keybinding screens gets fully fixed and working, we've added a possibly helpful "Reset Preference" option at the bottom of the options screen. Clicking this and then restarting the game will clear and reset all of your keybindings as well as all other preferences.

Melee Weapon Fixes

With Update #19, we've corrected in the stat line for the Stunstick with better Damage and a new more powerful debuff for its Charged Attack. In addition, we've fixed the missing text for the E-Cutter Blade which can guarantee the shredding of one armor point with its Charged Attack.

Sorting Contacts

To help get a handle on your underworld network, we've added new sorting options. You can now see owes you the most Favors easily as well as who you have built up the most Trust with. In addition, you can check out a Contact's Power Level (their raw power) and their Influence (their power within their faction). As proc-gen comes online and more Contacts are making moves, shifting their stats and adjusting their services due to these changes, this will become even more useful.

We still need to push some of these stats (like Favors) up into the summary row so you don't have to check each Contact's detail. That'll be coming soon too.

Training Tree Upgrade

With Update #19 we've made a really nice update for mouse players, enabling you to click directly on the upgrade node of a Talent in the class tree without having to first click "Train" or "Upgrade". This may sound minor because its what you'd expect to be able to do, so now its nice and before it was frustrating with a mouse. Thanks to everyone F10'ing issues big and small and helping us improve and polish every aspect of the game.

In addition, we've fixed upgrade icons for Talents like Lure, Blend and Iron Grip to match the upgrade's effect. And finally, the issue where training an AOE boosting upgrade would break the display of the Talent's regular range is now fixed (train Lure +6m AOE would set Lure range to 6m… display only but bad!)

Edge Scroll in UI

We received enough F10s about wanting to edge scroll even when there is a UI element that we adjusted this feature to work just that way. If you're feeling like it shouldn't let us know and it's probably time for an option.

v1.1.7 - 11/19/2023

- Improved default keyboard / controller bindings for safehouse, dialog, appearance screens - remove ALT, cleaned up overlaps, better controller bindings
- Added Clear Preferences button at bottom of options list
- Added sorting Contacts by Favors, Power Level, Influence and Trust
- Improved click-ability of class training tree - now click directly on the upgrade to focus on it
- Fixed Power Level 2 Stunstick to have correct stats and unique debuff on Charged Attack
- Fixed missing Charged Attack description for E-Cutter Blade
- Camera Edge scrolling now works even over UI elements when enabled
- Fixed bug with market or cold storage incorrectly starting as empty first time loaded
- Fixed bug where sometimes checking a Talent, then canceling it could cause AP to stop flashing
- Fixed issues in class tree where training an upgrade that boosted AoE range would cause regular Range to decrease (display only)
- Fixed issues with class tree icons for Lure, Blend, Iron Grip