Cyber Knights: Flashpoint
Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #197: Gleamer Polish
Update #197: Gleamer Polish
Version Date
Jan. 8, 2025
Patch Notes
Update #197: Gleamer Polish
Before we release the next map, we've got an update fully focused on closing F10s and polishing the game. We've got so much cooking, it's good to take a moment just for bug fix and QoL at times before the next big release cycle starts. Update #197 fixes issues with armor, buff stacking, improves the tutorial for Steam Deck and controllers, improves the Benches tag in the safehouse, fixes mod attachment issues and makes Revolver's special rules about mods more clear.
Thanks to everyone playing, posting up F10s and leaving a review on the game! We're working on improving and adding to the game in large and small ways - so if you like what you're seeing, be sure to leave that review!
Armor Initiative and Move Speed
With Update #197, we've fixed some older issues with armor bonuses failing to join into the buff and debuff displays for your characters. Armor's Move Speed and Initiative modifiers were not being counted into these summaries for display and in addition, the Initiative penalty or bonus was not being used during combat missions when Initiative was rolled (while Move Speed was correctly used). Both the display issue and the rules issue are now resolved with Update #197.
Buffs Stacking Bug
In mid-December a regression crept into the codebase that allowed some buffs to stack. This has now been fixed, and buffs will no longer stack. You cannot have two copies of Coordinated Charge buff on you at the same time, offering double the bonuses, sorry! If you've been relying on that, apologies, this new reality will seem harsh, but it is fair. If you re-use a buff on an already buffed character, it will refresh the duration on the buff.
Steam Deck and Controllers in Tutorial
It was brought to our attention last week that the new tutorial has a major, glaring fault. It did not customize its text and instructions if you were playing on a controller or Steam Deck! We have hurried up to fix this, ensuring that all mention of controls (press this, click that) are now swapped over dynamically to provide controller keybindings, such as press (X). We've also added a few extra lines of helper text in the case of Steam Deck or controller to point out some of the basics right away.
Benches Built Tag
The tag in the safehouse over rooms that said "1/2 Benches" and was causing so many F10s has now been updated to read "1/2 Benches Built" as that is what it is showing you. You can build new benches if you want!
Mod Attachment Fixes
With Update #197, we've resolved the visual issues that were happening with the new Rook Prototype Weapons (see Power Plays) new shotgun model and new UAR model. Their scopes and barrel attachments will now correctly attach to the model and look cool!
In addition, we've changed the display for how Revolver shows mods that are incompatible. Previously, when you were trying to equip a new Scope or Body Attachment for a Revolver, we automatically hid all incompatible mods like Silencers and Ammo Extenders. This could be confusing, so now we've brought them back but when you select them, the Equip button switches to Incompatible and their special rules column includes the rule listing about Revolver limitations.
Map Fixes
There will always be more map fixes :D New maps are flowing so the fixes must flow too! We've fixed issues with Lockdown Station and the Gold Key room having objective files inside it, with auto-extraction zones in a few maps including - most popular - Wreckspire, and places in Urban HQ where Prox MInes were spawning in the walls.
v1.9.75 - Update #197: Gleamer Polish - 1/8/2024
- Armor Move Speed and Initiative Penalty correctly displayed in all status summaries, used in Initiative Roll
- Fixed bug that allowed buffs to stack - buffs do not stack, using a second copy of a buff will refresh duration
- Improved Tutorial with Steam Deck and Controller focused steps discussing defeault keybindings
- Clarified safehouse "1/2 Benches" tag as "1/2 Benches Built"
- Improved handling of Revolver mod limitations when working in inventory - now shown as incompatible with rule displayed
- Fixed 3D attachment of mods to new Rook Prototype UAR and Shotgun models
- Fixed issue where auto-extract was often not happening in Wreckspire mission map at elevator
- Fixed bug where Lootbox Hunt files could end up in Lockdown Station's Gold Key room (bug with that specific map)
- Fixed Proximity Mine starting inside barrier in Urban HQ mission map