Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #200: F10 Smasher

Update #200: F10 Smasher
Version Date
Jan. 13, 2025

Patch Notes

Update #200: F10 Smasher

Knights and mercs, welcome to Update #200! This update is dedicated to the smashing of F10 bug reports and feedback and closing over 40 groups of F10s in our system. We really appreciate every player who is posting up feedback, and bugs and helping us improve the game. Every F10 is a way for us to address issues faster and also allows us to store away feedback that we can pull on when we need something to work on. So thank you players - you are making this Early Access everything it can be :D

If you like the style of relentless updates, please take a moment to leave a review. We need everyone!

Persistent Mission/Combat Log

The meatspace mission and combat log has now joined the matrix log in being able to persist its entries between loads of the game. Now you will be able to look back on previous turns and get your bearings on a reload on any recent that happened - spotting, kills, etc.

Scourge Talent vs. Drones

While there are no rule changes here, we've updated the descriptions of a number of Talents - Venom Trap, Brainworm, and Bio-Coat Bullet - to be clearer that these Talents cannot affect or target Drones. The Scourge is a bio-weapon and one of their weak spots is versus drones - check their full Talent list on the Cyber Knights: Flashpoint wiki Scourge page.

Also, as a rule change, we have fixed Scourge's Bio-Mimic to correctly be canceled if the Scourge makes an attack, as described in its rules.

Rewind Duration

With Update #200 we've fixed the description of the Knight's Rewind Talent to correctly list its duration along with its bonuses.

Hacking Mission Dialogs

We have removed the repeated dialogs during extraction for hacking missions! Hopefully we got all the ones that are driving players crazy, please let us know if we missed something.

Map Fixes Galore

We've fixed a ton of small map issues. There was an area in Slagga Smash that should have been inaccessible that is now closed up. There was one variation (1/20) in Broken Highway where the Gold Door panel was missing. We've fixed open field spawns (not near a door or elevator) in the Decommissioned Core and Sector 01 Interchange (where some doors were added). We fixed an annoying Pressure Plate in the Dusted Hover-Evac map that was affecting a larger area than it visually covered.

We fixed the timeline event descriptions for 4 proc-gen missions that didn't clearly identify their type.

And a ton of other small issues - check the whole change log for details.

v1.9.81 - Update #200: F10 Smasher - 1/13/2024

- Regular mission and combat log persists between game loads
- Improved Talent descriptions for Venom Trap, Brainworm and Bio-Coat Bullet around drone limitations
- Scourge's Bio-Mimic Talent correctly clears after making an attack
- Fixed Knight's Rewind Talent to include duration details for the buff to Move Speed and Initiative
- Restoring fence to extra map area not supposed to be in play for Southie Strut / Slagga Smash missions
- Fixed missing Gold Key panel in one variation of new Broken Highway map
- Fixed issue where Power Slice was hidden on character detail pop up during mission, hiding its cooldown
- Fixed 4 proc-gen mission timeline prompts that were not clear about the type of proc-gen mission they kick off
- Fixed issue where Dead-Eye, Doorkicker and Longshot Traits were being mislabeled in Legwork
- Fixed equip/unequip sequence that could result in 2 Heavy weapons being equipped
- Prevent Face from appearing in the roster's Training Ready filter
- Fixed open field spawns in Decommissioned Core and Sector 01 Interchange
- Fixed pressure sensor in Dusted Hover-Evac incorrectly affecting stairs
- Removed repetitive dialog from hack only missions extraction