Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #24: Attack Mega Blaster

Update #24: Attack Mega Blaster
Version Date
Nov. 28, 2023

Patch Notes

Update #24: Attack Mega Blaster

Update #24 comes alive in just the last days of November with some important balancing changes for Matrix, sweeping improvements to the class tree icons and upgrades for clarity, better timeline calculations for healing wounds and injuries and level fixes as well. We're still gunning to get the first iteration of proc-gen out during November, so stay tuned for more soon!

If you're enjoying the pace of updates, please drop us a review and share the game with a friend!

Matrix IC HP Drop

With Update #24, we've made adjustments to the HP totals for Matrix IC of all kinds to help improve the Attack program meta within the game. You'll find that IC have lost HP across the board and more types can be single hit by an Attack program. As the Matrix Hosts and IC power levels increase, these totals will go up but the starting IC are now better in line with the starting Attack programs, making the entire experience – and especially spiking the CPU – less difficult and multi-turn.

Class Tree Upgrade

With Update #24, we've done a major sweep across the class trees to simplify and fix all upgrade icons and Talent quadrants for the upgrades. The icons are a bit larger and simpler and we've also used some automation to ensure that the icon always matches the effect (if its duration, the icon is duration). We've also applied similar automation to then putting the right pip in the right quadrant around the Talent on the main class tree so you can see what you've trained and also easily share your exact class build with a single screenshot through the preview screen.

Part of this process was to fix all of the Talent upgrades that incorrectly had 2 effects. In many cases, we've split these out into a new upgrade node entirely to maintain the same options, such as in Marker Sights, Glasswalker and others. In a few other places, we've just fixed mismatches or incorrect update data.

Safehouse Medical Treatment Time

After the last update where we added medical options to recover from your Wounds, there were a few mismatches in the time offered during the purchase process and the time that appeared on the timeline in the end. We've made the necessary adjustments to be sure the right time is shown and carried all the way through to the timeline.

Healing Wounds is notably still very cheap and very fast - so, get in there and get healed now!

Comparing Full Auto Weapons

We fixed an issue when comparing the Ballistic Damage of Full Auto weapons, the second weapon's damage was not filled in correctly.

Salvage Breakout Fixes

We've fixed a number of issues with the first level of Salvage Breakout. There was an odd truck you could walk through (now you can walk on it). And there were some ghost security devices that weren't visible but showed up only when you were trying to establish a target with your Talent. All resolved now.

v1.1.19 - 11/28/2023

- Improved calculation of IC Hit Points to buff Attack program strategies
- Improved duration calculations for Wound Healing and Treatment contact services in safehouse
- Improved look, scaling and simplicity of Talent upgrade icons in class trees
- Corrected all icons for all Talent upgrades in all class trees - now fully correct
- Fixed all pips surrounding Talent nodes in the trees to match buff/duration/range/charges upgrades - now fully correct
- Fixed all Talent upgrade nodes that had 2 bonuses (buff + recharge rate)
- Fixed 2 bonus issue for Talents including Centering, Red Dot, Covering Fire, Marker Sights
- Adjusted upgrade balance for Marker Sights, Coordinated Charge, Glasswalker added new upgrade nodes
- Fixed issue in comparing 2 weapons with Full Auto firing mode, second one's damage was blank
- Fixed some cover and sight lines in Forward Op mission
- Added correct descriptions for a number of keybindings like / and + etc
- Fixed issue with truck you could walk through in Salvage Breakout
- Fixed issue with strange invisible cameras in Salvage Breakout you could target with security talents
- Fixed a heaping pile of typos