Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #26: Shotclock

Update #26: Shotclock
Version Date
Dec. 6, 2023

Patch Notes

Update #26: Shotclock

Update #26 rolls out the final movement alert type for Overwatch threat ("You will be shot!" – that's pretty important!), resolves some issues with the newly updated dialog character renderer, improves marketing and inventory sorting options, fixes different bugs with 3 types of high power Matrix nodes and improves the appearance options for beards and specifically for the hacker's beard. Update #26 is a great set of fixes and improvements, getting us ready for the next big Update –

We've been circling it for a while but finally at the point we can say "Update #27 is Proc-Gen"!

If you're enjoying the pace of updates or the steady progress we're making polishing and improving Cyber Knights: Flashpoint, we hope you'll leave a review!

Overwatch Alerts

With Update #26, Overwatch alerts now joins the bevy of other useful alerts for players. "You will be shot!" will be displayed along with the Overwatch icon if you're going to run out into an enemy's Overwatch and they will be able to see you at that position. This is extra helpful as (for the moment at least, boooo!) the Overwatch onscreen display does not correctly take line of sight into account and so it can be hard to see where you are really at risk if you're able to move behind sight-blocking cover or walls. This alert will pinpoint that exact spot.

Dialog Sizing Oddities

The new dialog character updates in Update #25 were a huge step forward, fixing such a long list of bugs but they didn't escape the lab without their own bugs. There are a number of situations, characters and screen resolutions that were causing odd sizing issues with one or the other character. Sometimes one character was so big you could barely see their abdomen on screen. Other times, one characters was just 8% larger than the other one. We've resolved a big class of miscalculation math and things should now have stabilized here. If you see any issues, please do report!

Power Level and Rarity Sorting

The sorting of items for "Weak and Common" and "Rare and Powerful" was missing the correct comparison for Power Level, so the results were always a big jumble. Both sorts are now fixed, first comparing Power Level and then, if the Power Levels are the same, the Rarity is compared next to sort within the PL group. Now the results read very nicely and the sort is quickly helpful to find the best stuff to use or the worst stuff to sell, for example.

Matrix Node Fixes

A number of new Matrix node types have trickled into the game over the last 10 updates – the Data Fortress, Manufacturing Vault and Financial Fortress. Each is a hardened version of its less cousin, such as Data Warehouse. The IC spawning there are generally more dangerous and Security Tally cost of operating in these nodes is higher. We've fixed three bugs with these node types in Update #26 - some Data Fortresses had no files; some Manufacturing Vaults had no IC and some Financial Vaults caused extreme Security Tally to be added on to the cost of every action.

We also fixed a minor bug where sometimes the IC icons over the map would not update correctly, with some IC sticking around after death or not flipping to disabled directly after the action.

Appearance Updates

For a while, Dade (or your customized version of the hacker) has been stuck with a beard that you couldn't control or remove. You can recolor or remove the beard just like any other beard. This beard isn't exactly where we want it to be in terms of texture quality, but we hope to improve it and it is the model of adding lots of short shave type beards like basic 5'oclock shadow.

To assist with this change, we also now allow you to modify beard (and therefore hair) color directly from the beard appearance options instead of always having to use the hair's color selector.

We've also fixed an issue where changing an appearance option was setting the character's rotation which was just plain annoying when you're trying to get a cool look!

Finally, more outfits have their over shiny arms and hands corrected. There are a few more to fix, and each one takes a chunk of time. We will get to full set soon.

v1.1.21 - 12/5/2023

- Improved alerts system to include "You will be show!" alerts when entering enemy Overwatch
- Fixed issues with mismatched size between characters in dialogs at times
- Sorting in market for "Common and Weak" or "Rare and Powerful" is now correct order (sort by Power Level > Rarity)
- Fixed UI issue where you could force incorrect weapon mods onto weapons
- Opening the timeline history popup correctly stops the Timeline
- Fixed matrix issue where sometimes IC icons over the map would not update after action
- Fixed issue where new node type Data Fortress could be without files
- Fixed issue where new node type Manufacturing Vault had not IC
- Fixed issue where new node type Financial Fortress had very high security tally
- Can now control color of beard directly from beard selection instead of having to use hair
- Fixed issues with Dade's beard, it can now be removed or changed, can be added to other characters too
- Fixed issue with changing appearance resetting character rotation annoyingly
- Fixed issue with new game keybindings disappearing after exiting game
- Improved consistency of icon use for Program Size throughout market and Deck Mgmt
- Improved some outfits with still overly shiny hands or arms
- Thanks for all the story and typo F10s - tons fixed!