Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #29: Timeline Slasher

Update #29: Timeline Slasher
Version Date
Dec. 13, 2023

Patch Notes

Update #29: Timeline Slasher

Update #29 brings some great improvements to the HUD, improves the visual of characters while you're customizing their appearance, fixes broken items like Nano-Stim Kit, fixes bugs where Radar Arrays didn't see dead bodies and more more more. This one is a full F10 smashing bonaza - your bugs fixed and your suggestions added to the game.

If you're enjoying the pace of updates and the improvements to the game please remember to leave a review ːsteamhappyː

AP / MP in the Timeline

One of the nicest F10 improvements for this update is to get the AP/MP ticks into the Initiative Timeline under each character's face. Regardless of what Turn they are in; this data is immediately available in a consistent spot on the screen and does not require you to do any scrolling or looking for the teammate to know their exact status.

Slashslide Improvements

The Cybersword's Slashslide is one of the best maneuverability Talents in the game and allows taking out multiple targets in on series of deadly attacks. We've taken some time with this update to improve Slashslide's animation and visuals. This is not the final resting place for Slashslide - we have bespoken animation for it - but this is a big step forward where before it always felt random what the animation was doing now it's clear, sequential and times the hits to the Damage displays and always drops a visual attack on each target.

Last update we fixed bugs where it could result in the character oddly teleporting after using it and with Update #28 we've fixed the bug where you could teleport before using it. And we've resolved the issue where sometimes it failed to attack the 2nd or 3rd target for a variety of different reasons.

Updated Lights in Appearance

After we updated all the lights in the mission and safehouse dialogs, we've heard a lot of good things about how much more that helps the characters pop and feel cool. We've been able to migrate that lighting setup (with some tweaks) to the appearance tab now, letting you stylize and build out your character in a much more dynamically lit environment instead of the overly lit "flat" that was previously used. We're very pleased with the results and hope you are too!

We're also making a big push on cleaning up any and all of the clipping issues. One big problem was that minor adjustments to avoid clipping with elements like beards and hair were not being made correctly when you selected / moused over the elements. So, flying down a row of beards, everything just looked wrong until you clicked. Now these adjustments are being made correctly during the preview.

Second, we just have to put in the time to clean up every clipping and misplacement. For Update #28, we have completed the task to get every beard and every face working together. They should all be very well positioned, no oddities. If you see any, please F10! Next, we will tackle hair.

For Proc-Gen

With proc-gen now out for a few days, we're still cleaning up a few more issues with the new feature and content set before we go on a rampage of adding and more adding. We've resolved oddities in the Truck Stop mission where your movement lines on screen were oddly shifted and further tweaked the duration of Hack CPU missions to be one Turn longer across the board. Some of the hacking hosts created by proc-gen had disconnected nodes and those have also been resolved for future proc-gen missions.

Sword Range

If you ran into an issue where the bottom left weapon display would report that you sword could attack 1 person from your movement destination … and then when you got there, you can't attack anyone – this should now be fixed. We fixed at least one cause but there may be more. If you see this please F10!

Sec AI Orders

We've fixed some issues where the Sec AI and individual enemy agents were forgetting some of their state if you used the Restart Turn feature. They could feasibly forget about security infractions they had been instructed to investigate or drop from Alerted back to Unaware without explanation.

V-Sync Option

We've fixed an issue with the V-Sync option where it was not always set correctly when the game started up. Now it is and you don't have to go back to the options menu to toggle it. Thanks for the F10s!

v1.2.5 - 12/13/2023

- Added AP / MP into the Initiative Timeline under each character
- Improved animation and timing of Slashslide, fixed issues where it could miss second or third targets
- Improved lighting setup characters in appearance tab to be more dynamic and exciting
- Improved preview in appearance tabs, previewed appearance option is now placed correctly
- Fixed all placements of beards in appearance for all faces
- Renamed Contact filter Known to Friendly
- Fixed issue where item charges would be reset between mission stages
- Fixed broken Nano-Stim kit item (now very good)
- Better balance of Spike CPU hack only mission duration, now more closely based on Matrix host size
- Fixed issue with movement lines being unaligned in start of proc-gen Truck Stop mission
- Fixed disconnected nodes in some of proc-gen hack missions
- Fixed floating crates in Cube Run mission, other prop tweaks
- Fixed bug where some Sec AI orders down to enemies could be forgotten if Retry Turn
- Fixed bug that could cause Slashslide to teleport player if canceled
- Fixed bug where bottom left would report sword was in range before movement but then it would not be
- Fixed bug that prevent Radar Arrays (long-range cameras) from spotting dead bodies
- Fixed issues where zooming out matrix would scroll the IC panel
- Fixed issues with V-Sync not being set correctly when game is restarted
- Fixed issues with memory leaks in appearance tab
- Improvements to custom difficulty window, sliders, thanks for the F10s!