Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #30: Strikeback

Update #30: Strikeback
Version Date
Dec. 17, 2023

Patch Notes

Update #30: Strikeback

Update #30 brings new angles to the generation of the proc-gen missions, allowing new employers and new targets. We have also added the options menu to the game, so you don't have to retreat to the main menu to tweak and test your settings. We've improved some of the equipment for sale, made Nuke matrix program work as expected, and fixed a huge pile of your F10s and community suggestions.

Thanks to everyone playing, posting and leaving reviews! Every bit helps us keep sharing and improving the game.

Proc-Gen Premises: Warner-Braun Strikes Back

One of the big advantages of proc-gen within the larger simulation of the New Boston zone is that with enough premises for the proc-gen missions, we can help ensure that any contact that makes any sense can offer you a wide variety of missions. With Update #30, we've expanded the available set of proc-gen premises so now the Warner-Braun contacts who have come to the dome will be able to offer you a variety of missions as well.

So, you can work the other side of the coin. You can work both sides of the coin! As the game's faction, influence and reputation simulation tightens up and evolves, these choices will become more and more important and meaningful.


Options in Game

Classic gaming stuff - but, you can now access and change the Options menu from the ESC menu in both the safehouse and from inside a mission. This is particularly helpful if you need to tweak display settings or want to tune how fast your camera rotates or pans. You've also got easy volume control now as well, and can drop into Borderless or Window mode right from inside the game.

You cannot yet modify the keybindings from inside these screens but that is coming next.

Nuke and Matrix Fixes

The area-of-effect Nuke program in the Matrix can cause major damage to all IC in a single node. It can be a fast way to clear out a data node or wipe the CPU for a spike. it even hits IC you can't see yet. It is now working as promised, with a Nuke button appearing above the entire IC list for on global access.

We've fixed a bug that was plaguing Spike CPU proc-gen missions where disconnecting the same turns as spiking the CPU could result in a hang in the matrix itself.

Reo-Flex Armor

We've improved the balance of the Reo-Flex Lightsuit armor to be in line with its price. While it boasts the same 1 Armor Point and high Armor Protection (before its Armor Point is shredded), it now offers superior protection if/when the 1 Armor Point is shredded.

K-Protocol, Blend and Proejction

We've made some balance improvements to the K-Protocol Talent for Vanguards, fixing one node that had two effects and increasing the cost of its -1 Recharge Turn upgrade.

We've fixed a set of bugs around Blend and Projection that could result in soft locks, or the holographic display for your character to stick around, or for certain parts of the character not to correctly join the holographic display, like your weapons. Everything is smoothed out and working nicely now.

Seniority Sort

The team seniority sort now works as expected in your merc team's roster. The Knight and the Face are always the most senior of the team and then the sort will run by date of joining the team and then sub-sorting by Experience if there are matches (common among your initial mercs).

v1.2.7 - 12/16/2023

- Added new proc-gen premises for Warner-Braun; now work for the Corp VP you met
- Options menu is now available in Safehouse and Mission Map - change settings, windowed mode, camera speeds
- Options menu in Safehouse and Mission Map cannot yet change keybindings, but that is coming
- Nuke program in Matrix now working correctly, the Nuke button appears above all IC list
- Fixed issue in Matrix where you could load programs without paying the AP cost
- Fixed issues with empty loot boxes in proc-gen Truck Stop level
- Improved Reo-Flex Lightsuit to have superior armor protection values if degraded
- Adjusted balance with Vanguard's K-Protocol, fixed node with 2 effects, added 2 point cost to recharge improvement
- Fixed issue that could cause Matrix Hack CPU mission to hang if disconnecting directly after Spike CPU
- Fixed odd hang when hovering over or selecting a remove option in appearance, player now correctly previews with item removed
- Fixed sort by Seniority in merc roster to work correctly
- Fixed bugs with Blend and Projection, swapping weapons and soft locking the game
- When enemies are spawned into a mission, if highlight is on they are correctly highlighted
- Fixed unlinked text in cyber surgery screen ("Implant.Desc.2000")
- Fixed incorrect face used for Warner-Braun VP in Contact list
- Fixed flickering camera in Loophole Heist, bench you could walk through in Cube Run
- Fixed appearance for Oscar Kova Brave Star Contact