Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #31: Bull Rush

Update #31: Bull Rush
Version Date
Dec. 18, 2023

Patch Notes

Update #31: Bull Rush

Update #31 bumps the level cap up to level 20, fixes the proc-gen issue with empty Matrix data nodes, adds a new powerful Trait and some Tags to the starting Sniper, improves the flow of the Clinic Expansion storyline and completes another big sweep on appearance items cleanup, this time making all the hats fit so nice.

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Level Cap Raised

With the new proc-gen system released in December, merc groups were starting to hit the previous level cap of 14. With Update #31, we've raised the roof a bit up to Level 20. Reaching this character level is past what the enemy AI is capable of fielding to meet you and will exceed things like available gear and cyberware in the game by a lot. We're working hard to catch up in those areas.

Missing Matrix Files

The proc-gen updates caused a lot of hosts to be generated that were missing files in their Data Warehouses, Manufacturing Vaults and any kind of data-focused node. With Update #31, we've fixed that key bug and you can now hack on, download on, and profit.

Liat Tags and Traits

For all new and existing games using the starting Sniper (default name, LIat) we've upgraded your Traits to include Longshot (very good bonuses for Sniper) and some additional Tags about your history with the Free Streets Compact that will help out down the line with upcoming stories. This affects all games, so good for everyone!

Clinic Expansion Improvements

With the Clinic Expansion, you now get a clear timeline event appearing if you invest in the upgrades. This makes it obvious just how long you have to wait to get your new cyberware and upgraded medicals. In addition, we've adjusted the start of the storyline to offer a real delay option, allowing you to put off the conversation / decision / legwork for up to 2 months if you want to.

Further Appearance Focus

We've been putting in extra time on fixing all the clipping, geometry overlaps and little things that make some of the appearance combinations not look as nice as they should. With Update #31, we're clear on all hats with all heads now, across the board. We're still cleaning up some of the feminine hairstyles for some very minor tweaks and then will move on to eyewear.

Carnivore Fixed II

If you were in the slice of games that completed the Carnivore job but still didn't have the Corrupt Cop in your Contacts list, you should be all set after you visit the safehouse now.

Rooftop Terminal

Too many players were getting confused by the (confusing!) Terminal on Plan B Rooftop level. You don't have a hacker, so this was a bad thing to have present. It has now been replaced with a lootbox.

v1.2.11 - 12/18/2023

- Raised level cap from 14 to 20
- Fixed issues with empty data nodes in Matrix hosts for proc-gen and any other missions
- Improved options in Clinic Expansion storyline, now has delay option
- Improved result of paying for the Clinic Expansion, a timeline event now broadcasts when the upgrade will be complete
- Improving Liat's starting Tags and added "Longshot" Trait for new and existing games
- Fixed prop of large tarp covering crates not blocking sight correctly
- Fixed overlaps and geometry clipping with all types of hats and heads
- Fixed some games where Corrupt Cop had still not shown up after Carnivore
- Replaced confusing Matrix Terminal on rooftop with a lootbox