Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #37: The Almighty U-Dahs

Update #37: The Almighty U-Dahs
Version Date
Jan. 4, 2024

Patch Notes

Update #37: The Almighty U-Dahs

It's Update #37 with a big set of improvements to looting, loot allocation, new things to loot and more money for your loot. Call 'em Digis, Credits, U-Dahs, U-Dubs, Dollars, Bucks, Creds, Lettuce - this update is all about loot and your money, your big stack. Update #37 also resolves all issues with empty lootboxes or data nodes, improves weapon pricing, fixes Heat generation for combat missions, adds a new journal entry, changes up the Combat Drug providers and hits a nice sized pile of your F10s!

If the steady stream of updates, rapid pace of advancement and quick turnaround on your F10s is feeling good to you, we hope you'll chose to leave a review to help us keep going. Remember, you can always update your review later but if you feel like we are on the right track a 👍 helps immensely!

Loot Overhaul + No More Empty Things

With Update #37, we've sunk significant time into improving the loot allocation, rules and results in both the physical world and in the matrix. First, we cleaned up a ton of mistakes and bugs that could lead to empty matrix data nodes and sometimes even empty lootboxes. Many were related to Team Power Level, so as your team progressed, the game would actually start to try up loot and matrix files. Not fun - now it is fun! Let the loot rain down.

Also, the loot that is generated is now more directly in line with the Power Levels of the missions you are running, so you'll see more exciting files, items and more the farther you play into the game. This helps overall make missions like the raid proc-gen missions more reliably profitable and if not always highly profitable at least discovering higher level Items that your team may prize for use instead of sale.

The good thing is - lots more expensive things to buy are coming soon :D

New Cred Chip Loot!

With the new loot overhaul, one of the major additions is a very nice, very smooth Cred Chip. That is hard cash straight into your vault at the end of the mission without any questions. The Cred Chips can range from $1K to $50K at this time and have a big impact on missions, especially helping to make raid missions more likely to turn a solid profit.

More types of new loot are also in the works that will further shake up what options you may find in physical lootboxes, so stay tuned.

Weapon Pricing

After the update of all of the Power Level 2 and 3 weapons from in Update #36, we've returned to this zone to slash some prices. About 20% has been taken off the top for Power Level 2 and 3 weapons, making them faster and more fun to upgrade once you are taking on some missions. All part of a healthy round of economic balancing tied into the loot to make the game smoother, line your pockets with U-Dahs and help you keep the underworld economy running hot.

Combat Drug Seller Swap Up

As we are working our way through the underworld contact and services matrix – weapons, medical, balance, pricing, the works – we've adjusted the two points of sale for combat drugs you can get out of the gate in the NBZ. They were previously swapped - the Vudu Doc was a better source of Combat Drugs than the Doper, which we've now flipped to even things out per their places within the underbelly of the city.

We've also fixed a mistake where the Legendary Medi-Cloud item was on sale for your basic Street Doc for a hot minute.

Straight Combat Missions

For those missions - like DEAD DROP - that are 100% combat, we've fixed the fact that they were generating Heat from an invisible Sec Tally kept in the background. Now these missions will generate a flat Heat score of +8.

Bio-Chipped Journal Entry

We've added a new entry to the journal next to Nano-Fabbing about Bio-Chipped weapons and the restrictions the UNA places on them and why jailbreaking them is such a big deal for a gun runner. We'll keep piling in more lore as we can with each release until those sections are overflowing with the world's lore.

F10 Catch Up

We have a lot of F10s to catch up on from the end of the year holiday season. We will be working through these as fast as we can and appreciate everyone taking the time to submit them.

We've fixed the broken sorting for High Edge in Roster - it was nonsense.

Thanks to everyone reporting the odd case where you could fall through the bridge in the Truck Stop proc-gen mission. A few AI even were spotted trolling around down there. This is now resolved! Also, in the Truck Stop, we've fixed a few exit trigger areas that had strange gaps against the wall or wouldn't activate if you were behind a shelving unit, etc.

Some of the toughest characters didn't always start the Rooftop level at 100% HP and now they do! Also, if you received cyberware during a break between missions, you're sure to always start the next mission with the right HP.

v1.2.25 - 1/4/2024

- Major overhaul to looting allocation rules - better loot is being dropped, better matched to mission Power Level
- New Cred Chip loot type immediately converts into $1K, $5K, $10K all the way up to $50K
- Fixed issues with empty lootboxes and empty matrix nodes as your team gained in Power Level
- Improved profitability of raid missions coming out of proc-gen or story
- 20% reduction for all weapon prices in Power Level 2 and Power Level 3 ranges
- Missions that are forced combat like Dead Drop just add +8 Heat flat
- Adjusted Vudu Doc / Doper Contacts offering of Combat Drugs - Doper now has more options, Vudu Doc less
- Fixed bugs with Combat Drugs that could yield extra AP/MP on Retry Turn
- Fixed issue with Medi-Cloud Power Level 3, 4 and 5 were being sold by Contacts, not intentional
- Fixed issues with single firing mode weapons (pistols, snipers) sometimes getting odd data printed after attaching a mod
- Fixed issue with Dead Drop job not correctly displaying its client
- Fixed Roster sort by High Edge not working
- Fixed movement bugs in Truck Stop proc-gen level that might cause you to fall through the bridge
- Fixed some of the exit areas in Truck Stop proc-gen which were uncomfortably placed or sized
- Fixed issue with some character's HP not being 100% at start of rooftop level
- Fixed last 3 placeholder icons in appearance for short shave beards
- Added journal section about bio-chipped weapons