Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #38: Quality Forges

Update #38: Quality Forges
Version Date
Jan. 7, 2024

Patch Notes

Update #38: Quality Forges

Welcome to 2024! We're still trying to catch up and getting all the engines firing at full pace. Update #38 is a culmination of some F10 hunting, crushing bugs and hitting on pain points and feedback posted up by the community. We're excited for 2024, we'll be adding and fixing thousands of your suggestions and issues - so let's get going!

If you're enjoying the pace of updates, don't forget to leave a review to help us keep moving forward. Remember, you can always update your review, so if we're heading in the right direction, let us know now!

Vanguard's Overdrive

There have been questions about how to use the Vanguard's Overdrive Talent, which is a really clutch Talent. We've done a round of improvements on the description in game that will hopefully help. Basically, Overdrive has a chance to interrupt the action of an enemy who spots, usually because they are patrolling or moving around. If your Vanguard is spotted and the enemy hasn't previously spotted a team member (i.e. in combat mode) your Vanguard gets a big +Initiative boost. If this Initiative boost puts you as the top Initiative in the Turn, then you get an interruption and now it's your Vanguard's turn!

Echo-Jammer is Back!

For a moment, the Echo-Jammer accidentally fell out of sale on the markets. but it is now back.

Corporate Enemy Balance

We've smoothed out the balance for a number of corporate enemy types. The entire set of KEMCO and Warner-Braun enemies have gained more distinction between Power Levels of enemy guards, In addition, enemies with heavy armor in the corporate set like Shotgunners and Blades have all had their HP modified and reduced by a solid chunk. Their armor is giving them high effective HP and they don't need so much raw HP in addition to that.

Smoother Hack Only Jobs

With this update, we've removed some extraneous information shown during Hack only jobs. There was a red Sec AI phase being displayed between Turns as if you were breaking into some enemy facility and the physical Sec AI was ticking up. Neither of these systems are in play during a hack only mission so both have been suppressed, matching the style of pure combat missions.

Blueprint Prices

While Blueprints can't be sold today (on the list!) some of their prices have been raising eyebrows. Exactly how much is $2400K again? A lot! We've adjusted the Blueprint prices toward a more realistic spot, though they will likely be adjusted against as they need to each take into account the exact price of the item they are able to produce and how many productions they can support before they are exhausted for their pricing to really stick.

Fixing Skips and Locks

As the game has continued to stabilized, we're putting extra emphasis in 2024 in squeezing out the odd edge cases that can cause locks, skips or odd AI teleports. With this update we fixed a bug where Stunned enemy might teleport on their patrol path, where a character killed by Overwatch while trying to throw a grenade could cause a lock and one situation where killing an enemy who is in Overwatch could lock the game too.

v1.2.29 - 1/7/2024

- Improved description of Vanguard's Overdrive Talent
- Restored sales of Echo-Jammer for those selling basic military and tech gear
- Improved Contact client/target display for jobs, sometimes missing name or fully empty
- Reduced HP values for corporate shotgunner and blade
- Improved enemy scaling for Warner-Braun and KEMCO Salvage corps
- Fixed extreme high prices in some Power Level 4 and 5 Blueprints
- Improved Hack Only missions to hide the physical Sec AI and null out the physical Sec Tally
- Fixed bug where Stunned enemies could teleport suddenly along their patrol route in rare cases
- Clarified tutorial from new game is a Stealth focused tutorial