Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #39: Dancing in the Datastreams

Update #39: Dancing in the Datastreams
Version Date
Jan. 10, 2024

Patch Notes

Update #39: Dancing in the Datastreams

Update #39 comes roaring in with major matrix improvements, important shifts to the enemy agent thought process while pursuing suspicious events (and fixes!), updates to proc-gen for hacking only missions, updated Cybernetics, 2 new cyberdecks for sale, better save slot read out and an improved roster UI for Stress and Hype (renamed from Edge). Obviously that's a lot but there is even more, so let's get looking!

If you're enjoying the pace of improvements, the style of the game or how we do Early Access - please take a moment to leave a review to help our efforts continue!

Enemy Improvements

We've fixed a number of issues with the enemy agents - such as stopping the random case where an enemy who heard your gunfire would teleport right next to you. We've also fixed a number of cases that could cause enemy agents to just stand around and do nothing for a few turns after starting to investigate some event.

Overall, enemies are better at prioritizing what events they know about which are most important for them to investigate. They are willing to hunt longer near an event if it is higher priority and won't give up looking so quickly. Overall, their reaction to suspicious events is improved and smoothed out and you will hopefully see less questionable behavior.

New Cyberdecks and Neural Toner Cybernetic Update

Two new Cyberdecks have gone up for sale with this update, expanding your options for Hacker's build and programs. Along with the boosted I/O Speeds, Active Memory and Storage, these two beastly new decks offer Cyberdeck Rating 5 and 6.

The Neural Toner – sold by a street doc after the Clinic Investment story has been completed - has received an upgrade that helps focus it more squarely on Hackers. The Toner now adds +10 Matrix AP boost and +100 I/O Speed. Ask your Cyber Knight for their credit card, Hackers!

Matrix Updates: Q-Sec AI Tuning, Proc-Gen Variations, New AP Rules

Just like the meatspace Sec AI, each Matrix host has its own Q-Sec AI that determines what reactions it can take to Security Escalations. With Update #39, we've started the process of improving these Q-Sec AI's to have more variation from each other. The first step is to remove some of the higher powered responses from lower powered Q-Sec AI like those in Green and Blue hosts - which can no longer teleport your hacker or slash your Connection % with a massive Degrade action.

We've also majorly expanded the options for proc-gen hacking missions. Be careful, all proc-gen hacking missions before featured Blue hosts with Mild Response. The proc-gen system can now generate from Blue to Red and from Mild to Wild response systems. The pricing and XP of the missions follows the risk that you're being asked to take but know that you may find some of these missions suddenly a bit more stiff of a challenge than they were before Update #39.

Finally, we've added pop-ups to warn you and about the actions the Q-Sec AI is taking against you like relocating your avatar, re-activating all IC in the host and more. These should help demystify the Q-Sec AI's actions and make Hacking less opaque as we work toward an improved UI to show the back-and-forth battle in the digital streams.

We've tightened up the rules about connecting to the matrix, matrix AP boost and the cost of exiting the matrix with Update #39. This helps avoid a few exploits and oddities about the matrix cycle:
  • You can only connect to the Matrix if you have at least 1 AP.
  • You only gain the Matrix AP boosts from your deck, Traits and other sources once per Turn. Disconnecting and reconnecting no longer grants these bonuses again.
  • When disconnecting from the Matrix, you are guaranteed to exit with at least 1 AP less than you connected. Previously, it was possible - with enough boost - to hit a matrix host, hack your boost AP and exit without any real-world cost which just isn't right.

Hacking Security

If you've reached an SCU (Security Control Unit) with your Hacker's avatar and are ready to smash some security devices, you've got even more options and power after Update #39. You can now target disabled devices and kick them back to the full disabled duration. This lets your Hacker backfill for other characters - if a Vanguard hit the camera for 2 Turns disabled, your Hacker can still come by and knock it out to 5. And also it gives the Hacker a potential play of hanging near the SCU to re-up their security smashing – hit all the devices out to 5 Turns, go to loot some data warehouses and then stop back by the SCU before leaving two Turns later to knock the devices back from 3 Turns to 5 Turns again.

You've invested a lot to be in there at that SCU, and this gives the Hacker the right level of power for that.

Talent / Item Blockers

There were a number of minor issues hampering certain Talents from working as expected:
  • The Vanguard's Projection can now be used even if you have less than 3 AP. This Talent allows you to move up to that amount of AP, but you can make shorter moves too.
  • The Cyber Knight's Unflinching Stare now works correctly even if during enemy Overwatch or their Turn.
  • Medi-Cloud items are working correctly again after a short outage. They display the correct grenade toss arc, can be bounced like grenades. Like a grenade's damage, the healing nano is not intelligent and will heal friend or foe within the radius.

Map Tweaks

A big thanks to everyone posting minor issues they've found with different mission maps. We've fixed some sight line blockers around the pit in the Carnivore Chem-Factory Front and some barricades that couldn't be jumped over in the Sibling Breakout Cargo Field.

v1.2.31 - 1/10/2024

- Improved Stress/Hype (was Edge) display in Roster with hover and display of Loyalty as well
- Improved Neural Toner cybernetic implant, adds focus on Hacker stats
- Improved enemy hunting behavior around suspicious events, fixed multiple cases that could lead to standing around doing nothing
- Proc-gen hack only missions now feature variety of Sec Level (Blue to Red) and Response Rate (Mild to Wild) with price impacts
- Fixed bug causing Leverages like Suppress Reinforcements to never end
- Added new matrix hosts to proc-gen generation capabilities
- Reduced appearance of "Relocate" and "Degrade" Host response on Blue Hosts
- Improved warning pop-ups for major Matrix events like Teleport
- Starting to hack a matrix terminal requires at least 1 AP
- Hacker only gets bonus Matrix AP from buffs and deck once per turn (avoids repeat connection loop)
- Added two new Cyberdecks for sale
- Hacking can now target disabled security devices to increase their disabled duration
- Revised "Attack III" and reduced Program Rating to 6
- Fixed misnamed Matrix Program AOE Attack 2 to Nuke II
- Improved sound processing for AI that are fully alerted, less meaningless alerts
- Loot All option now always appears in Loot Boxes
- Highest and Lowest Game Turn Save Slots are labeled to make picking your slot easier
- Reversed order of timeline event log so newest events appear at the top
- Fixed bug preventing Medi-Cloud items from healing at range
- Fixed bug preventing use of Vanguard's Projection Talent with less than 3 AP
- Fixed bug preventing Cyber Knight's Unflinching Stare passive Talent to activate
- Fixed bug where enemy might suddenly teleport upon hearing gunfire
- Fixed sight line issues in Chem-Factory Front in Carnivore job
- Fixed non-jumpable concrete barricades outside of prison in Sibling Breakout job