Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #4: Clearing Decks

Update #4: Clearing Decks
Version Date
Oct. 20, 2023

Patch Notes

Update #4: Clearing Decks

Update #4 - it's a big one. We've received such helpful feedback and F10's from the community, we've pulled another big patch together to address all the hottest issues. We're excited that Update #4 addresses the most prominent bugs being reported and helps to "clear the decks" as we move toward starting adding more content.

Thank you all for playing, posting F10s and sharing the game. We hope you'll leave a review!

F10 on Matrix

There was a bug making F10's on the Matrix screens impossible to send. This is now resolved, F10 on my good mercs!

Reinforcement Rebalances

With Update #4, we've made some helpful changes to how the Sec AI plans and deploys reinforcements. We've removed some troublesome actions that the Sec AI could call that would balloon the number of enemies on the field, and helped pace the Sec AI not to simply call reinforcements every time once things get hot enough, as the do.

It's a big improvement and should help maintain the balance in both the stealth and fighting approaches for your heists.

Brave Star Drones

In the CARNIVORE job, there were two types of combat drones appearing with the Brave Star forces which each had their own issues with movement. We've now wrapped up their bugs and if you were getting stuck in that section, reloading your game should be enough to get you going again.

Class Tree / Training Updates

With Update #4, we've done away with the layered pop out of data for the class training trees. We've improved the visual for a selected upgrade to make it more noticeable and just included the upgrade details in the same pop out box as the Talent. This prevents any occlusion, hiding something under something else and makes the entire thing feel better.

We've also made a huge pile of fixes to the class trees for Talents like Iron Grip, Silence, Atomic Stutter and more. We fixed connections, missing text, badly linked upgrades and more. There are still more fixes to make from the F10 pile but we've cleared more than half of all reported class tree issues.

We've also updated the display of Passive Talents which fire automatically "When XXX" happens, to help make them more clear. They deserve more visual queues, so we'll be working on that in future updates as well.

Added Hovers on Attributes

Sorry we missed this one in the first builds - you can now see the full stack of the effects your Attributes have by hovering over them. Also, they now updated correctly after training the class tree, there was a bug that could cause them to stay cached and not updated immediately upon return from the class training screen.

Fixed Timeline Hangs

If your Timeline was hanging because the Knight went into cyber surgery or sent off to the Doctors – well, pull this update and you should be back in business. These Doctors … they've been trying to make people disappear from the beginning, keep an eye on them for me.

Armor Points Now Shown

Armor points was previously not being shown in hovers or wherever armor points were appearing. Now if you see the Armor shield icon when hovering over a character or enemy, you'll know how many armor points you or they have before their Armor will degrade and use its lower Armor Protection value.

v1.0.15 - 10/20/2023

- Fixed F10 on Matrix screen
- Rebalanced spawning rates and rules to avoid over populating levels with enemies even if Sec Level goes high
- Removed all broken VTOL drones automatically to get games moving - go Carnivore Heist!
- Improved pop out positioning and behavior in Training screen to avoid overlaps, improve control, speed of training
- Added missing hovers detailing effects of attributes Reaction, Strength, Will and Tech
- Hover and targeting reticule show Armor Points, was previously hidden if Armor Points = 1
- Fixed 15 minor issues with class trees, missing descriptions, icons, links (Silence, Skullshot, Iron Grip, Atomic Stutter more)
- Improved labeling of Passive Talents in class tree (Talents which happen automatically "When XXX,")
- Improved mission deploy screen to allow for all operations with clicking, spacebar or (A) on controllers, simpler and faster to use
- Fixed bug putting Cyber Knight into cyber surgery or medical recovery could stop timeline
- Fixed issue unable to plan the route to a mission path unlocked by legwork
- Fixed a boatload of typos