Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #41: Kickbacks

Update #41: Kickbacks
Version Date
Jan. 14, 2024

Patch Notes

Update #41: Kickbacks

After a big story Update like #40, it always feels best to kickback a major quality and F10 fixer like Update #41: Kickbacks. This one fixes stats on the Sniper rifle mods – including improving the default suppressor noise reduction (cheers!) – remembering filters in the market, adding Heat and Headhunter display to mission planning, fixing Ironman issues with Restart Mission and Retry Turn, fixing the defective Take All button, and melee-says-one-target bug (again!) and more. It's a huge pile of F10 fixes straight for your posts, roundtripped through our team and kicked back to you in the form of glorious fixes and improvements. So, let's take a look!

If the rapid pace of development feels good, if having your F10s directly addressed is nice – it makes us warm and fuzzy inside to get reviews! If we're doing Early Access right, consider 👍 - you can always edit it later and add more as the game continues to develop.

No More Slidey-Slide

We've applied another round of fixes to the enemy's decision making and movement rules. This set should completely eradicate all cases where the enemy or character doesn't move correctly but instead of just "slides" across the floor.

Heat and Headhunters

While the significant impact of both Heat and Headhunters are still pending, they're importance will be growing over the following weeks as we keep improving on the strategy layer. They are now visible from within the Mission planning screens, as that is one of the times they will be most important once they start kicking.

Outline, HUD and Hover Updates

With Update #41, we've ensured that the distance to an enemy target in their hover is updated as you try different movement positions.

We've improved the rendering of character and enemy outlines to be smoother and cleaner which is a nice boost. We've also fixed some issues where sometimes an outline would get stuck on someone, like on a weapon and just hang around for a long time.

Finally, after 3 attempts at fixing it (and fixing some part of it), we believe we've put the bug where your melee weapon in the corner says you can attack 1 enemy but when you click on them it says they are Out of Range. These are now better synchronized to use the exact same set of checks.

Market Filter Memory

We've improved the market to remember basic filter types like Rarity when swapping between types of equipment that are sold – weapons to weapon mods, for example. Now if you pick things you Can Sell or exclude Common goods, that will be remember whenever you return to the market and swapping between equipment types.

[h2[Neural Toner +10 Matrix Action Points
To all the excited mercs who laid on the cyber surgery table and had the Neural Toner installed for the extra +10 AP…. we are truly sorry. This one may not be for you. Neural Toners are a Hacker's implant and grant +10 Matrix AP

Buttons: Restart Mission and Take All Fix

We had to fix or remove a few buttons in Update #41. If you're playing on Ironman difficulty, we've now correctly removed your option to Restart Mission. And, while the Take All button appeared in Lootboxes even with 1 item left a few updates ago, it is now correctly functioning.

v1.2.37 - 1/14/2023

- Improved / fixed stats for Sniper mods: XCAN Suppressor, Rostock Suppressor, Vector R-Driver
- When switching categories in the market, filters like Rarity are kept
- Heat and Headhunter Threat/% now displayed in all mission planning screens
- Fixed bug allowing Retry Turn and Restart Mission even in Ironman difficulty
- Fixed "Take All" button to work at Lootbox with only 1 item
- Distance to enemy is updated in hover when checking different movement locations
- Fixed matrix bug where repeating scan on an already scanned 2/2 node would still increase Q-Sec Tally
- Fixed (again!) bug causing melee range mismatch when trying to attack versus count you can attack in bottom left
- Fixed bugs where some movement warnings (pressure plates, laser fences, motion detectors) could be left on screen incorrectly
- Fixed odd appearance of movement warnings sometimes near a rotated laser fence or pressure plate
- Fixed bug allowing you to attempt to yield if next merc only has 1 Initiative
- Fixed typos in difficulty descriptions, new story dialog
- Fixed bug where sometimes the red or green outline would stay incorrectly on player or enemy weapons when outlines disabled
- Fixed Neural Toner displaying +10 Action Points when it is +10 Matrix Action Points
- Fixed issue where some parts of red/green outline would stick around incorrectly
- Fixed monsters sliding around the place at start of move or randomly when surprised by something
- Improved text overflow display in mission victory screen for payments
- Improved text overflow display in timeline events