Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #44: Cyber-Splice

Update #44: Cyber-Splice
Version Date
Jan. 20, 2024

Patch Notes

Update #44: Cyber-Splice

Hello weekend! Update #43 is here with new cybernetic implants, a new stand-alone inventory screen, improved cyber surgery tags and rules, improved enemy thinking for Carnivore mission (no more standing around!) and other cases and some great improvements to the Matrix to help avoid mistakes while hacking.

If you're enjoying the steady stream of updates and seeing improvements, we hope you'll leave a review to encourage more, more more!

New Cybernetics

With Update #43, we've added 3 new cybernetics, both offering an improved version for your Bone Grafts and all new types: the Display-Link and Neural Accelerator.

The upgrade to Di-Aluminum Bone Grafts adds extra Strength, Hit Points and Wound Resistance at the cost of a little Move Speed.

Display-Link implants integrate into the optic nerve, transforming the function of the eye to include real-time data streams superimposed onto the natural sight, including instantaneous trajectory calculations and tactical analysis. These types of implants grant bonuses to ranged Accuracy, Critical %, Crit Dmg Bonus and are very common among Soldiers and Snipers.

For the Hacker, Neural Toner implants fine-tune neural pathways and intensify synaptic responses to create a high-velocity synergy between the brain and a Matrix-Link, Now we've added the other option, the Neural Accelerator implants optimize pathways in the amygdala and brainstem to supercharging physical reaction speed. Neural Accelerators add to stats like Evasion, Initiative, Tech and Reaction and are great for anyone constantly on the move and in the heat of combat.

Cyber Surgery Improvements

As new cybernetics and new types of cybernetics are rolled into the game, we've made a much needed first round of upgrades to the cyber surgery screen.

First, you can now replace a cybernetic implant with another one. By going into cyber surgery, picking an implant and picking Replace, you're able to swap it out with another. This is a more restrictive process because if it is a class-specific implant like the Chameleon Skin it cannot be replaced except with another Chameleon Skin. This enables things like replacing the Cyber Knight's Dermal Plating with Chameleon Skin to allow for a Cyber Knight + Vanguard multiclass.

In addition, when browsing to add new implants, we've fixed all the conflict cases to be more clear - if you're installing a new implant, you can't install Dermal Plating for example because you have a Chameleon Skin already in the Skin Slot and you can't install a Chameleon Skin because you already have that exact implant.

New Inventory Screen

The investigation as to why there was never a stand-alone Inventory screen in the first place has conclude. All fingers point back to an UltraTek design team claiming that "Inventories aren't cool anymore" back in 2227. From there, multiple SVPs signed off on the change and the megacorp resolved to usher in a brighter future. Now, in 2231, that design team and all those SVPs have had their citizenship revoked and were recently unceremoniously dropped off on a street corner in the worst part of Ward 4. And now, we have an inventory screen lol.

From the top header, your Inventory can be easily accessed to browse and sell all your gear. You can still see notation of how many you own (let's say 3) and how many are carried (let's say 2) shown as 2/3, but none of this is mixed in with what is for sale.

We've swapped up some filters - the Market now offers only an "Already Owned" filter so you can consider repeat purchases. And the inventory offers a "Can Sell" which lets you find things you own that you want to sell quickly.

If you go from the Market to Inventory or Inventory to Market, your category is remembered, so you can quickly drop between shopping and checking what you have.

In addition, we've toned down the ability of the market to remember filters, as it was a little over-aggressive. Now, when you leave the screen the filter is forgotten. We'll continue to work on this, but for now a temporary memory (as you swap between types) is helpful enough.

Carnivore Improvements + Enemies Standing Still

We've fixed a big issue that could occur near the end of the Carnivore mission. What should have been a highly challenging arrival of some late joiners turns out to be a non-issue as they just … stood around … for Turn after Turn … doing nothing! This didn't always happen but when it did it was very non-climactic in a story moment that should have been very climactic :D

Now this is fixed, so watch out - they are coming in hot.

The fix has also addressed a number of other edge cases where enemy might end up standing around all silly like.

Matrix Unload Confirmation

There is a rare case where you might want to unload a program in the Matrix. But clicking to unload is a bit too easy and usually would be a mistake for a player. We've added a confirmation pop-up to unload a program to help you avoid misclicks.

We've also fixed a little visual glitch in Matrix hacking on the second Turn where loaded programs are shown just offscreen a bit.

v1.2.43 - 1/20/2024

- Added 3 new Power Level 2 cybernetic implants: Di-Aluminum Bone Grafts, Display-Link, Neural Accelerator
- Improved cyberware clinic display, tags and conflict text
- Fixed rules for upgrading and replacing cyberware
- Fixed issues with stacking cyberware in the same slot
- Added stand-alone inventory screen matching market
- Browse and sell your owned equipment from inventory screen
- Adjusted filters - Inventory has "Can Sell" to quickly find items you can sell
- Adjusted filters - Market has "Already Owned" to items for sale you already have in your inventory for repeat purchases
- Fixed issue with Market filters being remembered too aggressively, now forgotten on closing screen
- Fixed issue with some buttons along top of Market were not clickable in their upper half
- Fixed issue in Carnivore where some enemies were staying in their starting positions
- Fixed a number of other situations in which enemies could not move / skip their turn
- Improved appearance tab to avoid flashing of colors while mousing over color palette
- Added matrix confirmation dialog if you click to unload a program - are you sure?
- Fixed matrix bug where loaded programs were shown off screen at start of second hacking turn
- Fixed issue with Legwork where all character levels were shown as 0