Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #45: Long Arm of Syndicate Law

Update #45: Long Arm of Syndicate Law
Version Date
Jan. 26, 2024

Patch Notes

Update #45: Long Arm of Syndicate Law

Update #45 brings a new story event, improvements to cyber surgery replacement, class tree improvements and new upgrade nodes, some key UI tweaks requested in your F10s and more.

We had a few days break from updates because back at Trese Brothers HQ, we're hard at work on the next major roadmap milestones. Coming up will be a complete Tutorial refresh for stealth and combat (and Matrix to follow after) as well as an improved lighting engine, Mac OS support, and safehouse base building. We've got an ambitious schedule for Q1 2024 but are excited that we'll start really checking some of these big boxes soon.

If you're liking the progress and think we're heading in the right direction, please leave a review to help us continue! You can always edit it later to add more details or thoughts.

New Story, Growing Depth

With Update #45, we've added a new echo story event that can come after your Syndicates Debts origin storyline. The long-arm of the D-Cartel law is not easily avoided, so you'll find yourself scrapping to avoid consequences. As always, this will appear in new and existing games.

We're continue to work on growing the depth of the story simulation to the point where the Casting Director and the contact simulation can really start swimming. Without enough options in the hopper, the paths that Director can pick are limited. In addition, new key factors are coming into play from more angles – Obligations and Head Hunters are all burgeoning on the horizon. With the latest storyline, you may find yourself with a few more of both burdens, and soon these will be joining the game both as a sudden and demanding story mission and as a dangerous and surprising threat mid-mission.

With Update #45, we also fixed an odd little story "miss" where your Knight wasn't being healed along with the story event where the Face and Knight discuss it.

Cyber Surgery with 6 Implants

We've fixed a common issue players were having where once you reached 6 implants on a character, you could no longer replace them. Now, while the other limitations are still in place, you have the option to try out new builds, swaps and upgrades for your heavily cybered mercs.

Class Tree Improvements

With Update #45, we've completed another big quality sweep on the class trees. There are so many small details, and we appreciate players who are pointing them out, discussing Talent and upgrade balance and helping us tune and tweak the trees.
  • We've improved the Knight's Interference Spike Talent to allow a second charge if trained to its max
  • The final upgrade for Soldier's Savagery that increases the duration to 2 now costs 2 leveling points
  • We've fixed a ton of formatting issues where you'd get a sudden negative stat (such as -10% Evasion) instead of the expected positive (+10% Evasion) if a Talent didn't include that stat (Evasion) in its original bonus set. This affected Aegis, JTAC, Entrench and more.
  • We fixed the upgrade node to the Hacker's Overclock that stated it was reducing the AP cost by -5 when Overclock already costs 0 AP.

UI Tweaks

With this update, we've improved the dialog interaction to allow you to click anywhere on screen (not only some central, unexplained hitboxes). We've also fixed the Contact screens to show a reasonable number of decimal places (unless you need to know that Origami's Power Level isn't 7.00 its … 6.998888854).

Finally, we fixed the Delay button being enabled if you had 0 AP but still had MP. In order to Delay you must have Action Points left.

Map and Pathing Improvements

In some levels where lootboxes were optionally added, they could "ghost" and still cause pathing issues around them. This is now resolved for lootboxes, terminals and other objects that had the same issue.

Under the hood, we've expanded the optional system to now include Terminals, which is going to make for some exciting new arrangements of levels and challenges possible.

We've also resolved a number of odd corkscrewing actions that re-appeared on stairs after we improved their colliders and mesh rules.

v1.2.45 - 1/26/2024

- Added new story event: the Long Arm of D-Cartel Syndicate
- Raised the level point cost of Savagery's duration booster to 2
- Added 6th training upgrade for Knight's Interference Spike to add a second charge
- Fixed formatting issues for many Talents including Aegis, JTAC, Entrench turning a potential buff shown in yellow into a debuff
- Fixed issue with Overclock upgrade giving -5 AP cost when AP cost was already 0
- Fixed issue with Replace in cyber surgery not working once you had 6 implants
- Fixed issue in some levels where inactive lootboxes or terminals could cause pathing issues
- Improved dialog interaction - click anywhere to advance dialog
- Fixed bug allowing Delay option with 0 AP when you have unused Move Points
- Fixed extreme decimal places shown in Contact Power level
- Fixed small miss with timing of Cyber Knight healing at start of game
- Fixed some issues with corkscrew pathing on stairs