Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #47: Buff it out

Update #47: Buff it out
Version Date
Feb. 1, 2024

Patch Notes

Update #47: Buff it out

We had 2 updates in the space of 24 hours as we are chasing every little reported issue with the tutorial to the ground and buffing it out until this one shines. We've fixed and improved everything from defeat to specific dialog lines, cleaned up a few more bugs or rare misses within the tutorial script and also caught up with some additional changes to hovers for the new armor rules and movement alerts to better represent the updated Alert Status rules and surprise attack rules.

If you like the progress or got a chance to try out the new tutorial - please leave a review! We are smashing hard on tutorial update so we can be done with it and move on to new features and content, so let's buff it right out and keep on truckin.

Updated Movement Alerts for Alert Status Changes

To match the new rules for Alert Status we have adjusted how sight and hearing movement alerts work. If your character is Hidden or Hunted, these alerts are now shown correclty even if the guard is Alerted, as they still care about your presence and detecting you. Also, we no longer post an alert is the enemy is not going to respond, so if you are Spotted and they are Alerted, we are not showing the visual warning anymore because the guard is just going to keep shooting you and not change any state by seeing you (again).

Other Key Fixes

We fixed the bug that was causing the game to lock after the Vanguard reappears last night. We fixed a bug that could cause the Overwatch guard not use Overwatch about 25% of the time. We now offer Retry Mission on any difficulty for the tutorial if your team gets wiped out. We fixed some ugly broken lighting in the scene.

We fixed, we fixed typos, we rewrote sections based on your feedback. Thank you!

A huge thanks to everyone shooting in the F10s, you're helping us make big progress. Check the change logs below for both patches as there have been 2 about 15 hours apart.

v1.3.5 - 2/1/2024

- Added exit summary of most key points at tutorial victory
- Fixed movement alerts and enemy behavior when enemy is Alerted by player is not Spotted
- Fixed issue where Overwatch guard in Tutorial wouldn't Overwatch 25% of the time
- Fixed issue with camera swinging into the walls during tutorial explanation scenes
- Fixed duplicate dialogs that could appear in some sections
- Fixed broken lighting layer in tutorial from hotfix (woops)
- Fixing issues with damage taken, items used not being restored after tutorial
- Fixing defeat during the tutorial to always offer a retry
- Added ESC to return to main menu from defeat

v1.3.3 - 2/1/2024

- Fixed issue where Vanguard could lock game near lootbox in tutorial
- Fixed issue where you could not Retry Turn / Level on higher difficulties in the tutorial
- Fixed issues that could be caused by skipping tutorial sections and the UI highlight ending up in the wrong place
- Fixed duplicate dialog that could be caused by switching to pistol before Full Auto section
- Fixed issues with clipping into Red Door frame near end of tutorial
- Fixed typos and confusing sentences, thanks F10s!