Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #49: Catch a Thief

Update #49: Catch a Thief
Version Date
Feb. 8, 2024

Patch Notes

Update #49: Catch a Thief

After the big feature update of individual extraction which touched every single level in the game, we're coming back around to fix bugs, F10s and smooth out a few things. Thanks to everyone for reporting issues with F10, for posting in Discord and chatting on Steam.

We're about to reach Update #50 here with some really big things on the docket this month. We're working hard for to improve the game daily through its Early Access period and hope you'll help us keep up that pace by posting a review.

Wound Saves

We have adjusted the rules, percentage rates and timing at which Wounds Res is checked during play. Previously, this was checked when your Injury was fully healed which lead to an unfortunate feeling of "Oh, I'm finally healed and ready to … oh I'm Wounded." Sad! With the updates, the Wound rolls are now made at the end of a mission and tied more closely to your Injury coming out of the mission. Your Wound Res is more directly impacted by number of Turns you are Injured and the Wound will appear immediately in the safehouse.

For future improvements, we're going to get a section in the scrolling victory panel that will let us show more detail for each merc and their individual outcomes.

Proc-Gen Sewers Issues

There were a few issues with the proc-gen sewers level after the last release. Evidently, the new extraction feature didn't sit well with that specific level :D All are fixed -
  • You were not getting the payment for each kill in the Kill 3 proc-gen premise.
  • Objectives were not updating correctly for Sewer Kill 3
  • In some proc-gen cases, you could start inside the extraction zone and immediately win
  • In other proc-gen cases, there was no extraction zone. If you're stuck like this, reload your level after the update to get out.
In other proc-gen fixes, we've improved an exit zone in the Truck Stop that was badly marked and giving players headaches.

Hack-only missions were also having issues with early extraction, now fixed.

Head Hunters - Show your Numbers!

With a recent update to the HUD to get Heat and Head Hunters show in the mission screen as well as main timeline, a bug crept in that disconnected the Head Hunter display from the real numbers. Everyone should find that their Head Hunter counts are now back and correct.

Crit Chance in Accuracy Breakdown

The Critical Chance calculations in the Accuracy Breakdown have been wrong for a while. We fixed one cause a few updates ago and now have tackled the second. They should all be nice, neat and make sense in a mathematical way at last!

Pop Slot Action Points

We've fixed a bug that was constantly complaining there were not enough action points to use the Soldier's Pop-Slot.

v1.3.11 - 2/8/2024

- Improved Wound rolling to be rolled at the end of a mission instead of later in the safehouse
- Fixed issue with payment not always being granted in Sewers Kill 3 proc-gen mission
- Fixed issue with new Sewers Kill 3 proc-gen level appearing too often from the generator
- Fixed issue with exit not appearing in all Scav versions of Sewers proc-gen level
- Fixed issues with Head Hunter count not correctly updating
- Fixed bug with Soldier's Pop-Slot Talent always reporting "Not Enough Action Points" incorrectly
- Fixed bug with Crit Chance % often being wrong in accuracy breakdown
- Fixed inability to extract early from hack-only proc-gen missions
- Fixed issue with Sigma 6 Sploitkit not loading in inventory
- Adjusted problematic exit zone in Truck Job
- Fixed missing faction subject in proc-gen offer ("BLANK is constantly harassing our movements…")