Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #5: Now Buff the Decks

Update #5: Now Buff the Decks
Version Date
Oct. 21, 2023

Patch Notes

Update #5: Now Buff the Decks

Update #5 comes out on the heels of #4, focusing on the next set of highest priority issues. We've got a big stack and we're just working our way from the top to the bottom. With the four big updates we've already made and the improvements in Update #5, we're looking forward to a major reduction in issues to handle which will free up our team to test, certify and release new story and mission content.

If you're enjoying the game, the pace of updates and fixes - please share with a friend or consider leaving a review!

Cyberdeck Health

For now, until cyberdeck management is completely turned on, your deck will return to 100% health each time you return to the safehouse. If you're in a level with a 0% deck already, you can use the ESC menu and then the "Abort Mission' button to drop back to the safehouse before the mission.

Spinning like a Top

There were some props in the game that were causing enemies and characters to stop during movement, fall through the floor or end up spinning like a top around a point. This is now resolved by both fixing the props and adjusting the movement system to ensure characters in motion will always move toward their destination and not get struck.

Accuracy Calculations

A few players noticed an odd reduction of Accuracy sometimes occurring that wasn't explained (70% Accuracy + 4% Buff = … 52% Accuracy!?). We have found and fixed the errant calculation and once again 70% + 4% = 74%. Everything seems right in the world.

And More

We fixed a bug where - depending your GPU speed - the Safehouse might load without any of the UI showing. We fixed an issue where putting your Knight into medical recovery might result in missions being deleted. And we added all the useful Attribute hovers to the main New Game screen where the whole team is shown.

v1.0.17 - 10/21/2023

- On return to safehouse, Cyberdecks immediately restore to 100% health
- Fixed issue with enemies and characters sometimes moving in circles or falling through the floor
- Fixed race condition bug that could cause Safehouse to load without any interactive UI
- Fixed bug deleting missions if Cyber Knight went into medical recovery
- Fixed confusing Accuracy calculation sometimes when close to the target
- Fixed bug where Leverage could accidentally re-activate Body Timers
- Added Attribute hovers to new game team screen