Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #52: Bodyguard Nights

Update #52: Bodyguard Nights
Version Date
Feb. 25, 2024

Patch Notes

Update #52: Bodyguard Nights

Welcome to Update #52 as we continue the march to expand the game in every way throughout Early Access. With the Scourge newly landed, it is time to return to new mission content, new proc-gen missions and new story missions!

Welcome all the new Knights to New Boston this big Scourge + Sale week. We're excited to have you in the safehouse and ready to get back to a non-stop schedule of updates and improvements. So, if you like where the game is now, see its potential or think we're heading in the right direction with updates-updates-updates, please be sure to leave a review 👍 !

New Proc-Gen Bodyguard Missions

With Update #52, we've expanded the roster of both available proc-gen mission objectives and proc-gen mission maps. The new objective – playing bodyguard for a data courier - gives you a new set of challenges as you vie to help rapidly move a courier (fully under your control) through a dangerous and contested area. The new map, the Slumroad Junction, is a large and threateningly open area ringed by high-ground, buildings and other vantage points that make it an especially challenging space to navigate.

At the moment, only Slumroad Junction map supports bodyguard missions, but some of the next updates will expand these available combinations in both ways – more maps will support bodyguard objectives and Slumroad Junction will support other proc-gen objectives like Kill 3 Captains. In this way - by adding maps and objectives - we will continue to gain multiplicative growth in the possible outcomes for proc-gen content. We've got a huge amount more to add, so let's keep it moving!

On Kill Passive Talents and Full Auto

There was a bug with passive Talents that proc'd on killing an enemy target, on getting a critical hit, or any kind of attacking passive Talent that would prevent them from activating when you were attacking in Full Auto mode. For example, if you used Full Auto to shoot 3 targets and one of them died, your Knight's Steamroll Talent would not fire because of the Full Auto nature of the attack. This has now been resolved and all passive Talents will work with Full Auto unless specifically stated in their description.

Scourge Cleanup Continued

The Scourge class has arrived in full-force and we've heard they are a ton of fun to play. This release we haven't made any important changes to their builds but we have cleaned up and number of small text formatting issues in their class tree.

F10s Fixed!

We've been working our way through the big pile of F10s (hit "F10" in the game to report a bug or send in feedback at any time!).
  • We fixed an issue that could cause game crashes if Talents that Shred Armor were used against targets with 0 Armor.
  • We've resolved some inconsistency in the naming and presention of Laser Wires - which were sometimes called Laser Mesh or Trip Wires.
  • Some of the Hacker's Talents were printing confusing damage ranges once they were upgraded, this is now resolved.
  • In the Sibling Breakout mission, leaving the mission while the main merc or their sibling was in Bleeding Out status could cause an incorrect story event following the mission, this is now resolved - escaping while Bleeding Out is still escaping.

v1.4.5 - 2/25/2024

- Added new proc-gen bodyguard mission type, protect a data courier on the move
- Added new proc-gen map, Slumroad Junction
- Fixed bug preventing passive Talents from activating when attacks are made with Full Auto (such as Knight's Steamroll)
- Fixed Knight's Steamroll upgrades to have a single line and the 3rd booster is at the end of the line
- Fixed possible crash caused by using anti-Armor Talents against no armor targets
- Fixed issues with damage range display for Hacker's Null Op once upgraded
- Fixed inconsistency of Laser Wires naming
- Fixing story issues that could occur in Sibling Breakout if sibling or main merc were Bleeding Out at end of mission
- Continued to clean up issues with the Scourge class tree
- Fixed typos and minor class tree issues