Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #53: Foundry Nights

Update #53: Foundry Nights
Version Date
Feb. 27, 2024

Patch Notes

Update #53: Foundry Nights

Welcome to all the new Knights heisting and rampaging across the New Boston zone! It's update time! With Update #53 we've focused on improving the balance and challenge of the latest mission that was added and hitting on the most highly reported F10s for this big sale and Scourge celebration week.

We're excited to be hammering out updates following up on the big Scourge release, so if you like the progress or think we're heading in the right direction please take a moment to leave a review and help us keep going!

Improving Bodyguard Mission

While we're prepping for the next mission add, we've also circled back to take quick action on player feedback about the bodyguard mission. We've adjusted the layout and types of enemies to raise the challenge a little bit - some enemy captains have appeared, more snipers are showing up correctly in the high ground - and also added a few security devices and long range Radar Arrays to deny your team easy access to the zone.

Buff and Debuff with Summed Upgrades

Thanks to all the players reporting with F10 that the buffs and debuffs shown on character and enemy status screens were missing some stats. These buffs and debuffs were printing out with only the starting stats for the Talents and skipping all upgrades. We've now resolved this and the buffs are printing their full sum of all class tree upgrades.

Thanks for hitting F10!

Avoiding Enemy Name Duplication

Thanks to all the players pointing out that occasionally the enemy naming system could spit out a series of duplicates. We've now resolved this and guaranteed that no enemy will ever have a duplicate name on any level - at the start or while spawning reinforcements.

Weapon Mod Detaching

We've fixed a few issues related to weapon mods not appearing when you attempt to detach them unless you changed the filters. They are now always visible and should be easy to attach and detach.

We've also fixed a larger issue with weapon mods that were left attached to weapons that were sold. These weapon mods kind of floated off into the ether, neither in your inventory or properly gone. In the short term, we've fixed this by gently shoving them all back into your inventory. Sell them or use them, they really are yours.

Talent Updates and Fixes

With Update #53, we've continued to fix and improve the Talent set for Scourge. We fixed an issue where Brain Worm reported that its range was 0m. We've also renamed the buff "Shred-Resistant Armor" to "Shred-Immune Armor" as that is much more clear about what it does (when this buff is on, nothing can shred your armor). It also turns out that the Brain Worm from before Update #53 was giving enemies Shred-Immune Armor, and that's not right! Fixed :D

We fixed the upgrades for Bio-Coat Bullet that just said "Target immediately" and nothing else.

Scourge on the Wiki

You can also now check out all the Scourge's Talents (and a ton of other awesome content) on the on the community wiki. A big thanks to the wiki champions in the community who are improving and expanding this wiki every day. let's hear it for ːsteamhappyː @Ahab and @DrSpendLove ːsteamhappyː !!

v1.4.7 - 2/27/2024

- Improved balance/challenge of new bodyguard mission - better enemy variety, added more security devices
- Fixed enemy / character status not showing buff/debuff with full upgrades from class tree
- Enemies no longer ever appear with duplicate names
- Fixed issues with trying to replace/detach mods and getting empty list
- Renamed buff for "Shred-Resistant Armor" to "Shred-Immune Armor" for clarity (cannot be shredded while buffed)
- Fixed bug with Scourge's Brain Worm Talent causing Shred-Immune Armor buff
- Fixed Brain Worm reporting "0m" range for Scourge
- Fixed empty "Target immediately" upgrade node for Scourge's Bio-Coat Bullet
- Fixed missing icons in cyber surgery screen
- Fixed debuff for Evasion not showing as negative (showed 10% Evasion when it was -10% Evasion)
- Added missing icon for Data Courier / VIP job