Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #57: Q-Gap Spike

Update #57: Q-Gap Spike
Version Date
March 7, 2024

Patch Notes

Update #57: Q-Gap Spike

Welcome to Update #57, in which we've added another proc-gen mission map and a new objective as well that you team can try to take on. After the last new objective type Battle Strike, we've come back to the class sneak-fight-hack formula with Q-Gap Spike, where you assigned to infiltrate an enemy faction hardpoint and spike the CPU of a matrix host that is purposefully not entangled with any other quantum networks for its own safety. They didn't plan on you paying a visit!

If you're liking the pace of development, improvements or think we're heading in the right direction (as you can always edit your review later), please take a moment to post a review 👍

New Proc-Gen Objective: Q-Gap Spike

With Update #57, we've pushed the proc-gen mission options for generation of endless missions open a bit wider. We're ripping now, adding 3 new objective and 3 new maps in the last 1.5 weeks. We're headed for 1 more objective and 1 more map, giving us 7 objectives and 7 maps. From there, we've got 7 by 7 and it will be time to start interconnecting more of the maps and objectives. We should be able to get into the 30+ range for results when asking for a proc-gen mission, just considering objective X map.

The new Q-Gap Spike objective asks a lot of your team and gives you the classic formula of sneak (if you please), fight (when its time) and hack (fast!).

In addition, we've added a new map the Street's Palisade map which is a great playground for different types of missions. Bent in an L shape, it provides some sneak or siege combat style challenges as you try to enter the center area, and a messy maze of a inner sanctum. Streets Palisade is currently the only map in the set that supports Q-Gap Striker, but we'll be fixing that quite soon as it is perfect for other objectives like Kill 3 and Q-Gap Striker will fit so nicely on other maps.

As soon as this new mission hits the street we're going straight back to the foundry to prep the next new map and another new objective to get to 7x7. Let's go proc-gen power!

Battle Striker Pricing

We've updated Battle Striker to tune its price to the faction you are fighting. Coming up against Brave Star grants a much bigger purse now compared to the all-out battle with a lesser street gang.

Heat Effects

Systems are beeping and bopping all over the place as more and more parts of the core game come online. Hype Mutation is up and working, at the HQ, we're testing and balancing out base building, and now we've got our first official effect of Heat. Do not worry, more will be coming but so will new ways to manage, mitigate and spike your Heat with the safehouse.

Heat now reduces your merc's Stress Res (and any Stress Res granted by difficulty) by a ratio of 5 Heat to -1%. This is not a huge impact but does subtly push the tension that would be present in running a high Heat operation and how it could weigh on a merc team constantly in the cooker.

Fixed AI / Sec Device Bugs

We've fixed one of the most prevalent causes of an enemy saying "Security in my ear" and then promptly ending their Turn. We're continuing to monitor and improve the AI but there is still a lot of work to do to get its response model ready to handle every situation it can end up in the flexible stealth model of Cyber Knights: Flashpoint.

We've resolved a mismatch of Turn duration for disables shown in the Matrix SCU - the Matrix node promised 5 Turns disabled but upon disconnecting, only 4 were shown. We've now ensured they are correctly synced, and in this case the right answer is "next 4 Turns" which is until the end of this Turn plus 4 more Turns.

Projection + Silence

There was a bug where if you combined Silence with Projection, you started making noise again. You were SO sneaky, you're noise went all the way around the circle and came back again lol. Now fixed.

Camera Adjustments

We've made a round of improvements to the camera angles picked during any little cut-scenes run by the story or the Sec AI. This should result in drastically fewer cases where the thing you're trying to look at is blocked by a wall or external boundary area.

v1.4.17 - 3/7/2024

- Added new proc-gen Q-Gap Spike mission type which sends you to sneak/fight into a zone to hack a CPU
- Added new proc-gen map, Streets Palisade
- Heat now reduces merc Stress Res at a rate of 1% every 5 Heat
- Improved pricing for Battle Striker mission types to be more faction-based (Brave Star vs. Street Gang)
- Fixed mismatch between Sec Device disable duration when hacking and after disconnecting
- Fixed main case causing some AI to skip their turns with "Security in my ear"
- Fixed bug preventing conversation at end of Sibling Breakout
- Improved Loyalty / Stress changes at end of Sibling Breakout for positive results
- Improved positioning of camera during cut-scenes
- Fixed bug when using Projection and Silence together that could cause you to be heard
- Fixed formatting issues with Victory/Defeat screen and long mission titles
- Fixed minor mistakes in Hype upgrade event logs