Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #6: Week Prime Wrap

Update #6: Week Prime Wrap
Version Date
Oct. 24, 2023

Patch Notes

Update #6: Week Prime Wrap

Update #6 rounds out a very busy first week for Cyber Knights: Flashpoint with one more major patch fixing bugs before we dive into adding missions. Update #7 will add the first new mission content and we are working to keep the delay on the next mission after that as short as possible.

We've got new exciting Talents and items to deal with corpses in Update #6, a new rolling Game Tips list in the loading screens, lots of improvements to the game camera, fixing level issues, tweaking Sniper Rifles to increase their optimal range band and more. Let's dig in!

The other major item on our list this week is to post our Public Roadmap for Early Access. We just have to finish making the beautiful info graphic and we'll get it up so everyone can see the crazy plans we have for Early Access expansion. We've got some stuff coming, chowda!

If you're enjoying the game or pace of updates, please share it with a friend and consider leaving a review!

Pesky Bodies and Body Timers

It is hard to be stealthy if you're leaving a trail of bodies behind and the Security AI is always sending someone to look for Upso, who hasn't been seen in a while. While the ability to pick up and move dead bodies is coming (it will be on the public roadmap), Update #6 adds 2 Talents that can help reduce your exposure due to missing guards and rounds out a powerful item which can give that ability to non-Vanguard and non-Hacker characters.

The Vanguard's new Bodybag Talent will allow you to hide a body with an illusory projection. This does not cancel the Body Timer, so the Sec AI is still eventually going to send someone to look for the missing agent. However, the body will not be discovered - so they're going to be hunting around that area for a while.

On the other hand, you've got the Hacker's Faked Vitals Talent which cancels the Body Timer. Therefore, the Sec AI will never send someone to look for the missing agent but if someone does happen across the body, it will be discovered normally.

Finally, the upgraded Bio-Recycler item both cancels the Body Timer and dissolves the body so it cannot be found by an agent passing through the area. 

Game Tips

The loading screen is now nicely decorated with a helpful list of game tips that point out useful knowledge and complexities of the system. We hope you find it helpful reading while loading flashes by.

If you've got tips you think should be included, please share them. We've got a great list going from a Discord forum thread and will be adding more as we go.

Camera Smoothing

With this update we've made a lot of small but nice changes to how the camera positions, cuts and rotates at the start of levels or when reloading a level. It isn't always perfect yet but there are a lot less mis-cuts and rotations now as we fade from black to the action.

Level Smoothing

We've fixed a ton of little issues with levels like the 60,000 HP "Target Dummy" who was spawning in the back corner of Loophole Heist level 1, and how the blue trigger zones forced you to stop moving awkwardly in Cube Run level 2. We've improved some of the patrol and reinforcement schemes in Haven Smokeout, so if you're replaying levels, don't get too complacent!

Bugs Go Smash!

Thank you for your F10s. Every one is helpful and we are able to rapidly reproduce and fix bugs based on the details your sending in. We've fixed too many minor bugs here to list and we're excited to keep polishing until your forced to F10 about only game balance instead of bugs ;)

v1.0.21 - 10/24/2023

- Hacker's Faked Vitals Talent is now correctly described and functioning - cancel dead body timers
- Vanguard's Chameleon Talent replaced with correct Bodybag Talent - completely hide a body from detection
- Item Bio-Recycler now permanently dissolves a body and cancels its Body Timer
- Widened optimal range for Sniper Rifles by 2m (better accuracy when too close)
- Game tips added to the loading screens
- Improved aspects of enemy patrol and defenses in Haven Smokeout job
- Added and upgraded 20 Talent icons to new style
- Improved enemy reinforcements plan in Haven Smokeout
- Fixed issue with camera getting stuck out of bounds in Loophole Heist Level 1
- Fixed issue with turn timeline getting out of order during a mission
- Fixed issues with enemies not taking their turns when turn timeline is out of order
- Improved level reload and level start camera behavior to be more consistent / less jumpy
- Improved camera starting position in Cube Run and Loophole
- Improved objective "blue zones" so that they don't stop your movement unless neccessary
- Added missing faction flags for Arrowhead Security, Indie faction and KEMCO Salvage
- Fixed bug in new game where list of backstories all showed the same short description
- Fixed odd and broken spawn in the far corner of Loophole Heist level 1
- Fixed issue with Safehouse sometimes opening with UI not visible
- Fixed issue with Cube Run L2 sometimes starting with just a black screen
- Fixed issues with Loot Manifest appearing in wrong places and sticking around after mission victory