Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #60: MAGNITUDE massively expands proc-gen & mission content since launch

Update #60: MAGNITUDE massively expands proc-gen & mission content since launch
Version Date
March 14, 2024

Patch Notes

Update #60: MAGNITUDE massively expands proc-gen & mission content since launch

It's a boom economy for Cyber Knights. With this update we have now doubled the amount of proc-gen missions available, creating 10 more combinations between existing maps and proc-gen objectives. Combined with a milestone we hit in January doubling the amount of unique story missions (many of which are multi-stage), there's more opportunities than ever for your crew to earn some serious credits.

If you're enjoying the on-going updates and improvements for Early Access, remember you can leave a review now and always edit it later.

+10 Proc-Gen Combos

The proc-gen mission system in Cyber Knights combines maps + objective types + enemy factions + a ton of other factors to create unique heist experiences. With Update #60, we've integrated 10 new map + objective combos, greatly increasing the amount of playable content in the proc-gen system.

You may have played bodyguard for a data courier before in the Slumroad Junction map, but now you can be paid by one of your Wireghost contacts to get a data courier through the Trucker HQ where the bridges are held against you by a bristling set of Blue Ox toughs, completely changing the pacing of the level as you need to hit the bridge guards hard and reach the extraction before things completely go off the rails.

You may have raided the Streets Palisade to hack a buried quantum data-bloc, slipping through or cutting down security to open the path for your hacker. But now your payday from the Blue Ox may rely on you slogging down into the sewers, battling in close quarters against the Que Milieu Syndicate to reach a really buried matrix host to spike before fighting your way out again.

Your mission choices are now feeding into the Influence of the Contacts you are choosing to work for, pushing them toward reaching 8+ Influence and being able to take actions in the simulation, mutate their positive Traits or even upgrade their underworld services to your benefit. And soon (not quite ready, still balancing), those you're working against will be suffering Exposure gains, pushing them to mutate negative Traits, downgrade their Power Level, taking negative actions in the story or increase their risk of death.

As your options for jobs explodes, who you work for is mattering even more.

Roadmap "Coming Soon"

The team is working on multiple fronts back at Trese Brothers HQ - loading the game up with more content as well as finalizing a number of major roadmap items.

We are in testing, integration and final visual tweaks on a lighting engine and post-processing layer upgrade that will help play up the look of cyberpunk world of New Boston - gritty, dark but still vibrant and glowing.

Mac OS support

We're very pleased to say we've cleared some challenging hurdles that have been blocking a working Mac version. With those out of the way, the new lighting engine is one of the last elements needed to finish it, so these two roadmap items will come nearly hand-in-hand. We know our Mac player community and Kickstarter backers are eagerly waiting to try out the game, so this will be a grand day.

Safehouse Base-Building

Finally, we have completed the functional work for safehouse base building. There is a ton more work, testing and balance to get it player-ready, and some time needed for our own team to put it through its paces and complete a first round of tweaks, UI improvements and any minor functional changes. But it is clearly on the horizon now.

Due to the amount of content that will be coming in the release of base building, we're now marking this as a Q2 2024 item on the roadmap. This includes blueprint crafting in a safehouse workshop, giving you the ability to use the high-value blueprints you can find on missions. Being able to create your own weapons, armor and items will give you new options to avoid the expensive market and create uniquely rare and valuable items.

And the plan is that as blueprint crafting opens up, so will a set of contacts you can sell your blueprints for cash to, so you can sort through your stash and chose which you want to keep for nano-fab and which you want to sell for hard U-Duhs.

Motion Detector Warnings

The movement alerts for motion detectors were not correctly taking Line of Sight into their warnings and posting up incorrect or too early warnings. This is now resolved and all checks include line of sight as well as your speed and distance to get the best results possible.

High Armor Targets!

If you happened to run into a Street Charger like this with 121% Armor, they stole some items from the lab. It was not intentionally, and they repaired their armor above the maximum rating. Some players figured out how to shred their armor or pile on the Pure Dmg until they were dead … but now we've fixed this issue.

High armor targets are coming with higher level enemies, drones, etc. But not like this, not like this.

Inventory / Market Fixes

We've fixed a number of small issues with the inventory and market.

First, if you had rescued the Wireghost in the Carnivore mission, after the latest round of updates to Contact Trust and Influence, he stopped selling cyberdecks and programs. We've resolved that minor bug!

Second, if you are checking out weapon mods with optimal range changes, the +/- are now included all the time so it is clearer if the mod is increase or decreasing your optimal range band.

Finally, we fixed a bug that could cause the UI to lock up if you were comparing weapons when buying or selling those weapons. Oops!

v1.4.25 - 3/14/2023

- Added 10 new proc-gen mission combinations, doubling amount of playable proc-gen missions
- SCU in Q-Gap Spike matrix terminal in Street Palisade map now controls multiple security cameras
- Added missing +/- signs to weapon mod changes to Optimal Range
- Fixed movement warnings for Motion Detectors to respect line of sight
- Added ability for hover to show hotkey associated with a button or action (i.e. ENTER shown on End Turn)
- Added helpful message to Legworks if there are no available characters
- Fixed issue where new Wireghost Contact from Carnivore was not selling new cyberdecks and programs correctly
- Fixed issue with invincible enemy who was using an item to increase their Armor Protection Points beyond max
- Fixed Matrix issue where you could Jam a device that the Sec AI hasn't woken up yet
- Fixed secondary objectives for "less than 3 Sec Level" to fail on 3 correctly
- Fixed controller issue that could cause the mouse cursor to disappear
- Fixed Damage and Bleeding out messages overlapping on screen to make them unreadable
- Fixed inventory and market issues that could lock the UI if buy/sell during compare
- Fixed issue where sometimes Blend's hologram styling could stay after buff ends
- Fixed issue where too much loot in a mission could break the formatter