Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #61: Fresh Ink

Update #61: Fresh Ink
Version Date
March 15, 2024

Patch Notes

Update #61: Fresh Ink

Update #61 follows hot on the heels of the big MAGNITUDE update and its veritable explosion of proc-gen mission variety. We've fixed all reported bugs with the new mission combinations, added +11 new tattoos, finished the rebuild of the Load Game screen and fixed your bugs and F10s. We're excited to celebrate a big sale week with a lot of updates, so let's keep this thing moving!

Thanks to everyone playing and posting up a review as we near 200 👍 ! If you like the direction we're heading, a review now goes an extra long way to help us getting there and you can always edit it later.

Because we needed some neck tattoos

We've introduced +11 new tattoos (because we had to outdo +10 new proc-gen combos!) with this update. This includes a few variations of neck tattoos, some tribal tattoos and other cool new designs. Check out the new ink for your squad, and if these aren't in your wheelhouse than be sure that many more will be coming as we keep building out the full set of looks.

We also improved a few of the existing tattoos to help make them stick out more or clean up odd bits.

Updated Load Game Screen

With Update #61, we've updated one of the last old screens in the game - the Load Game screen to match the UX design we've been marching too. You can now see your Knight's by their face, name and last real-world time they were played. When selected, you can see the AUTOSAVE (your currently game) and all saved slots associated with it. You can load any you wish but will be warned on deciding to load a save slot that your AUTOSAVE will be overwritten.

It's a wealth of new details about each saved game that should help us all keep our piles and piles of games straight :D

If you are missing portraits for any of the games, our apologies - we couldn't cover every single case back to the start of Early Access. In that case, load the game, pick your Knight from the Roster and go to the Appearance tab. You'll be all set, everything gets updated.

Movement Improvements

We've fixed an old but important issue where you could squeeze a bit of extra movement out of your AP if you broke it up into individual 1 AP movement. This was not fun to do but the need to maximize can be pretty strong. We've resolved the issue and corrected the math so no AP is worth more than another AP, regardless of how far or short you are moving.
Within the HUD, we've ensured that the movement waypoint widget rises to the top of the stack when you're previewing movement so it doesn't get stuck behind other elements or character hovers. This is especially helpful for melee characters who are often charging in close to enemies.

Don't Shrap Yourself!

We fixed an issue with the Scourge's Aero-Shrap Shell Talent where sometimes one of the resulting shrapnel areas could land right on top of the Scourge and smack you with some damage as payback for your awesome Talent use. This is now fixed, Scourge never gets hit.

Proc-Gen Fixes

A few issues have been reported with the proc-gen combos that we added in MAGNITUDE and we hit most of them last night in a series of rapid-fire hotfixes. We've cleaned up all remaining issues reported with today's patch. A BioScan Field near the starting area, a captain on a Kill 3 mission inside an inaccessible building, unhackable terminals in Trucker HQ + Q-Gap Spike and Sewers Scavenger missions auto-failing.

v1.4.31 - 3/15/2024

- All new load game screen - access all save slots, main save, see portraits and event details
- Added 11 new tattoos designs
- Fixed issue with gaining advantage by making small moves
- Improved HUD layering to ensure that movement waypoint is shown over top of hovers
- Fixed issue with Scourge's Aero-Shrap Shell sometimes hitting the Scourge
- Fixed issues unable to hack matrix hosts in Trucker HQ and Req Site
- Fixed issue with BioScan right at starting position in Truck HQ Q-Gap Spike
- Fixed issue with Sewers Scavenger mission is auto-failure; return to safehouse and play forward
- Fixed Slumroad Junction map issues where sometimes enemy could end up inside a building
- Fixed issue with characters standing in Extraction zone when it turns on