Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #62: Lore Injection

Update #62: Lore Injection
Version Date
March 19, 2024

Patch Notes

Update #62: Lore Injection

With the Spring Sale still on, we're working on a few more updates before the discount wraps up. So Update #62 is a big one, following hot on the heels of the MAGNITUDE update and its more-than-doubling of proc-gen mission variety. We've fixed the final trickle of bugs reported about these new proc-gen combos, added +4 more tattoos, +25 unique and faction-specific of faction-type-specific lore blocks to your looted digital files, added a heap of new lore Journal entries, rebuilt the proc-gen looting system, finalized the fixes with moving short vs. long distances, and fixed a heaping mountain of F10s reported by the player base.

As we keep dropping updates, a big thanks goes out to everyone playing and posting up a review as we near 200 👍 ! If you like the direction we're heading, a review now goes an extra long way to help us getting there and you can always edit it later.

+4 New Tattoos

We've added another 4 tattoos after we received a request for some more horizontal designs. These new designs include nice variations of the under-eye stripe, giving you some choices about the thickness of the stripe, length and positioning.

Digital File Lore Injection

With Update #62, every digital file that you pick up will have some lore text description what it contains once decrypted. These shorter blurbs cover every type of file but are heavily reused (all Personnel File III's use the same text regardless of faction). On top of the more common text, we've also added 25 larger chunks of lore details to the files, sometimes linked to a faction class (Patient Dossiers I made by a megacorp is a compilation of medical records about individuals exposed to nano-radiation) while other files are linked to a specific faction (UltraTek Patient Dossier's I is about a census of the 400+ retroviruses active in the population of New Boston).

it is an exciting new angle to feed the world's deep lore into the game and the new file sets cover topics like - space race, quants, retroviruses, the merger of Mars Corp and Vintago Energy to create Jupiter Group, McKellen Heavy Industry's relationship to gang leadership and more. This is going to a growing area of the game, so enjoy browsing and checking out the lore found in the files as you acquire and find more!

New Journal Entries

We've completed a push of new journal entry content, focusing on wrapping up the Places category. With new entries for Downtown, the 4 major Avenues below Downtown, Water Desalination entry and a new entry under tech covering the modern combat armor - Adaptive Armor - it's a solid expansion to the long-form lore content available in the journal today. Next, we'll be drilling in on each of the factions.

Proc-Gen Loot Rebuild + new Research Files

With Update #62, we've torn down the old setup for how loot was assigned for proc-gen missions and rebuilt it based on the objective type you're running and the faction you're running against. This new set of data is driving more exciting and valuable loot in proc-gen plays with a lot more variety between runs. It makes the biggest difference on Scavenger missions but loot is a constant source of side income even on the other types of jobs you're pulling off.
Keep an eye out of the new Research Report files and the lore they contain as well!

Movement Tuning

In Update #61 there was a mix up and bad merge of code that failed to fix the movement issue we've been tracking where you could squeeze a bit of extra movement out of your AP if you broke it up into many short 1 AP movements. This was not fun to do but could yield some extra meters if you took the time and clicks for it. The same bug also resulted in the AP dots (the larger blue dots in your movement) to not sync correctly to the AP cost of your movement.

With this update we've corrected the math so no AP is worth more than another AP, regardless of how far or short you are moving and the dots are always correctly positioned at the point where an extra AP is charged.

Accuracy in Hover

Update #62 fixes a long-term sneaky bug that was hanging around with the accuracy shown when hovering over an enemy. This Accuracy never took Optimal Range into account and was also calculated from your current position instead of correctly calculated from your movement destination, if you had one set.

Overall, the accuracy in the hover is now significantly more correct. In testing we found cases where the real Accuracy could be 0% but the hover would show 96% (sniper rifles !!!).

Talent Fixes

We've fixed an issue where using Vanguard's Bodybag would cause the corpse to start lying about when its body timer would expire, suddenly claiming it would pop "next Turn." We've also fixed the description of the Scourge' Detonation Talent to be more clear - it will only activate when an enemy enters the radius, but as it is an explosion anyone inside the area, including friends, is damaged.

Map and Story Fixes

We've resolved issues with proc-gen missions. With the Slumroad Junction map + Q-Gap Spike objective, you could start with extremely high Sec Tally per Turn - now resolved. There was still one case where Sewers + Scavenger mission could result in auto-fail - now resolved. We improved the Cube Run introductory dialog to be in the right order and make sense.

And more, more, more - check the full changelog below.

v1.4.33 - 3/18/2024

- Added new Research Report group of files (1 to 7) which are high value and rarer
- Lore injection - added lore entries for 25 files based on faction or faction type (megacorp, syndicate)
- All files now show a short description of their contents, even if not yet paired with extended lore piece
- Added journal entries for Downtown, the Avenues, Water Desalination, and Adaptive Armor - the modern combat armor of 2231
- Added 4 new tattoos including horizontal styles and cleaned up / improved some other tattoos
- Rebuilt loot rollers for all proc-gen mission by faction and faction class, much better loot and more clearly linked to faction
- Fixed issue with gaining advantage by making small moves (for real this time), AP dots are now accurate in move planning
- Fixed issue with Accuracy shown in hover over enemy did not take Optimal Range into account when previewing a move
- Fixed issue where Vangaurd's Bodybag Talent would always cause body hover to state the body timer would expire next Turn
- Fixed description for Scourge's Detonation Talent - only enemies trigger the corpse explosion but anyone nearby is damaged
- Fixed issue where Slumroad Junction map + Q-Gap Spike objective started with Tally Per Turn too high
- Fixed issue with Corner Holdout map + Scavenger objective leading to auto Defeat; return to safehouse and play forward
- Fixed mission victory could show character Injury Time at stage victory instead of full victory
- Fixed Cube Run mission ordering for intro dialog and objective highlighting
- Fixed issue with all save slots showing the same last event data incorrectly
- Fixed issue where cursor could disappear even with "Disable all Controllers" if you have controllers plugged in
- Improved message on loading save slot from load game which will overwrite current game progress