Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #63: Splashdown

Update #63: Splashdown
Version Date
March 20, 2024

Patch Notes

Update #63: Splashdown

Welcome to Update #63, a nice quality of life update in the breather before more content piles on. We've got some really nice QoL improvements with new hovers for weapons, mods, armor, items, cyber and cyberdecks as well as +11 new lore files to check out and nice tweak to the default filter settings in inventory to make it easier to for everyone. Check it out below!

Thanks to everyone playing and posting up a review :hype:! Remember, if you think we're heading the right direction, you can post a review now and edit it later.

Flexible Equipment & Cyber Hovers

One of the main even for Update #63 is the addition of flexible hovers capable of showing a wide range of complicated details - weapons, weapon mods, armors, items, cyberdecks and implants. These hovers are featured on the main roster screen as a rapid way to check stats and as a way to see cybernetic implant stats. In addition, within the mission if you double click on a character on the Initiative timeline, you'll bring up their status screen and you can now hover on their weapons, armor or items there to see all the details. The items are new add, they were previously not shown but thit is a nice place to check the exact Talent stats without unpacking them first.

Also, all hovers of all types got a nice yellow border to help them stand out from what they are hovering over. Ahh, nice!

These aren't perfect yet - there is still some overkill information in the cybernetics ones, for example - but we're excited to get this into your hands to gather feedback.

Inventory Default Filters

We've improved the inventory default filters to only show what is really in the team's inventory and carried by mercs. The situation where weapons carried by other mercs were filling half the inventory screen - even though they aren't in the armory - was confusing and now resolved. We've also fixed a few bugs with those available filters not being remembered when switching tabs which was making inventory harder to use.

We're still looking for the right name for the filter, perhaps "on the shelf" when it comes to the inventory.

More Lore Files

We've added 11 new lore entries that will appear in files. Four of these are in Civic Dossiers of any faction while the other 7 are locked by specific faction. It's exciting to inject another set of lore into the game, including some snippets about the Quiet Wars of the last 22nd century, space achievements and the sweeping history nanotech in Cyber Knight's lore.

We're going to keep working this angle until all the files have something interesting to read about, so stay tuned for more!

Story Fixes

We've also hammered out a number of small but troublesome issues in the Sibling Breakout storyline. There was a case where the dialog could hang if you made choices that stressed out the main sibling (like delaying or refusing to recruit). In addition, there has been an issue (reported oh so many times!) of the sibling talking to themselves if you escaped the prison. This was caused by taking an unexpected route through the level that didn't trigger the dialog where the prisoner sees you for the first time until the prisoner has escaped and often triggers it themself :facepalm: Fixed!

v1.4.35 - 3/20/2024

- Added hovers to weapons, armor, items, implants and cyberdeck from main roster page or from character status during mission
- Improved default filters for inventory to only show what is on-the-shelf and hiding what is held by merc
- Fixed bug where availability filters were not remembered between tabs in inventory
- Added +10 new lore entries including files about Quiet Wars, Arthur Pell, space age achievements, Nanotech Research Archives 2, 3 and 4
- Fixed issues in Sibling Breakout that could result in sibling talking to themselves
- Fixed bug that could hang story dialog if you choose not to recruit sibling after Sibling Breakout
- Fixed bug where Tox Cloud could be in the wrong position after retrying a turn
- Fixed missing paragraph about Water Desalination in journal