Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #64: New Lockdown Station Map

Update #64: New Lockdown Station Map
Version Date
March 22, 2024

Patch Notes

Update #64: New Lockdown Station Map

Welcome to Update #64, Knights. New Boston is rolling tonight with an all new map to play - Lockdown Station, 7 new matrix hosts to try to hack, meaner Dumpshock results that hit both Stress and Injury Time and a big pile of fixes for your F10s!

Thanks to everyone playing and posting feedback on the Steam forums and F10! We couldn't keep up this pace of updates without your help, your shares and your reviews!

New Map: Lockdown Station

The new Lockdown Station map has joined the proc-gen pools to create 3 new objective combinations. Lockdown Station is a particularly security heavy site providing some new challenges with overlapping and difficulty security devices and - at least at the start - lighter patrol presence. You can encounter Lockdown Station with a Scavenger objective, as a target of a Q-Gap Spike or in Kill 3 Captains objective.

We had planned to get this map out during the Spring Sale to pair with the big MAGNITUDE update that added +10 map and objective combinations, but testing took a bit longer and here we are with +1 new map and +3 new map and objective combos.

Matrix Host Go Boom and Host Balance

We've added 7 new matrix host templates across different types of missions including hack only missions and for hosts that might be guarding SCU or you need to spike their CPU. These new hosts include some exciting new setups, some challenging CPUs and more.

With Update #64, we've also fixed a bug that was created a sudden fall off in matrix host security and response level. If a mission had high enough Power Level it could suddenly go over a cliff in the difficulty math and end up with Green or Blue low level host responses.

Dumpshock Gets Teeth

Dumpshock has a nasty debuffing effect which can last for a few turns. With Update #64, we've improved its penalties such that it can cause Stress and also even small amounts of Injury time. Taking these types of major brain-frying hits during a hack is never good and now it has proper touch in all the systems related to getting beat up or shot up. Now your Hackers can feel like proper Soldiers, needing some downtime after a particularly gnarly hack.

Cyberware by Days

We've adjusted all of the cyberware install durations so that they are even on the day (12 days instead of 11 days and 16 hours). A minor fix but it's very nice for calculations and the UI simplicity.

In addition, we fixed a bug where cyberware recovery time was not advancing by the game time that a mission took to complete. Usually less than a day, still it is important to clock this time for those sitting back at the safehouse.

Tox Cloud Speed Fix

We've fixed issues with the Tox Cloud that were accidentally introduced last update. Last update fixed its saved game persistence issues but suddenly Tox Clouds started going faster and faster every turn. This is now resolved and they keep their nice steady pace and remember their position after a retry turn ore reload of the save.

v1.4.37 - 3/22/2024

- Added new proc-gen map, Lockdown Station, which supports Scavenger, Kill 3 Captains and Q-Gap Spike objectives
- Added 4 new host templates to proc-gen matrix hack only missions
- Added 3 new large host templates for SCU access and spiking CPU missions
- Improved balance of dumpshock, better Stress generation and can even cause Injury time
- Expanded camera zoom range from 10m-45m to 5m-60m (get closer or zoom out even more)
- Rounded off all cyberware install times to an even day count, no more 12d 6h
- Improved balancing for matrix host Security Level and Response Level for non-hack only proc-gen missions - better scaling
- Fixed bug with accelerating Tox Cloud moving faster each turn
- Fixed issue where high Power Level hacking missions could suddenly fall off in Security and Response Level
- Fixed issue where some safehouse timeline events were not advanced by mission passing time, such as cyberware recovery
- Fixed issue with extracted characters creating a dead zone preventing line of sight
- Fixed issues with texturing properties for tattoos that made them seem very metallic