Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #67: Quality Blaze

Update #67: Quality Blaze
Version Date
March 28, 2024

Patch Notes

Update #67: Quality Blaze

Knights, gather round the command HQ - it is Update #67. We've got free multi-classing and bonus Training Points (+1 or +2) for you, a quick but helpful Matrix Basics guide, mission Objectives now showing up in the Matrix, and fixes to your most recent crop of F10s.

This is probably the last update - a nice solid QoL patch - before we drop the new lighting engine. Sorry, the 2.8 GB update size is due to prep for the lighting engine drop! We're were showing off the new lighting engine and post processing results on our Discord earlier this week and are just making final tweaks to everything to make it look its best before rolling it out to you.

If you're enjoying the progress and pace of updates, please leave a review. Every single one helps us keep this Early Access training moving and you can always edit it later.

Matrix Basic Guide

We've added a new page to the gameplay basics section that includes a basic primer for the Matrix. It is not a replacement for the Matrix Tutorial but a stopgap measure we should have taken a while ago. It is short and to the point, aiming to get you started and into the basics of matrix hacking. The tutorial is coming, right after the lighting engine - but for now, check the in-game help.

Multi-class for Freeeeeeeee!

We've adjusted the rules for how mutli-classing cost you Training Points. Previously, the first node of any class (the class icon in the tree) cost you 1 point. This wasn't clear, was a bit confusing, and required you to have 1 free Training point to complete a multi-class action. We have removed this cost, so the act of multi-classing is now completely free and costs 0 Training Points.

This also means the act of having any class is free and costs 1 less Training Points. So, all characters got +1 Training Point returned to them. Yay! And if you happened to have multi-class, you'll find suddenly you have +2 new Training Points to spend. Don't spend it all on one node ;)

To support this change, we've modified the starting character training a bit with small extra bonuses and Talents. The Sniper gets Pathfinder Talent, Vanguard gets extra range for their Lure, and Cybersword gets a second charge of Slashslide, etc.

As part of this process, we've also adjusted how the Cyber Knight spent their points and freed up a total of 4 Training Points when you reach the safehouse. This gives the Cyber Knight more freedom to take new Talents (like Tactica Surge or others) without forcing a respec, which most players weren't doing. This +1 from the class node and dropping a trained upgrade node from the Security Dampen Talent gives the Knight a lot more flexibility to immediately pick up a new Talent before going on their first mission which just feels right.


Objectives in Matrix HUD

As the game's matrix objectives and secondary objective layer keeps getting deeper in the story and proc-gen heists both, it has become clear we needed the Objectives list on the Matrix HUD. We have shimmied it in above the Matrix Log so that it can be always present on screen when you're working through your objectives and racing to get everything done in time.

Fixed Matrix Bugs

We also fixed a number of smaller Matrix issues that have been bothering players. The first was that if you had enough Talents and Programs in your Matrix Talent bar, you could end up in a situation where the Talent hover simply clipped off the right side of your screen. This is now resolved and hovers stay within the bounds correctly.

The second fixed issue is that there if there were IC that increased the Action Point cost of certain actions like using Programs, their penalty cost was getting counted twice, making this unfairly hard. This is now resolved.

Fix Spawning Bugs

The last update included some important improvements to enemy spawning routines to ensure they never stacked and instead found some nearby empty space to occupy. This fix worked really well in most cases, but we've received from F10s for specific spawning points in the game where the enemies would still end up stacked or end up inside a nearby building which they could not possibly get out of.

We've cleaned up the algorithm here to pick the spawning location and included additional checks to be sure we get a truly valid nearby position. If you see any last lingering issues with spawning locations, please just hit F10 and we will resolve but it looks like – from our side – its fixed.

v1.4.43 - 3/28/2024

- Added a gameplay basics entry for Matrix Basics - a short bootstrap to get any player started
- Reduced training point cost for first node of all classes to 0 points, all characters recoup +1 or +2 (if multi-classed) Training Points (yay!)
- Multi-class is free, no training point cost associated with the action
- Starting characters get slight boosts in starting training (Vanguard longer range Lure, Soldier longer range Marker Sights, Sniper gets Pathfinder Talent)
- Adjusted Soldier's Marker Sights to make AOE upgrade a little more expensive
- Mission objectives are now included in matrix HUD above the matrix log
- Fixed matrix bug where AP penalty by IC was counted twice making program use extra expensive
- Fixed bug with Talent hovers that were going off the edge of the screen, now respect boundary
- Fixed issues with spawning enemies where they still might stack on top of each other or end up inside inaccessible areas
- Fixed jumbled Hacker class description in multi-class screen