Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #71: Truck Polish

Update #71: Truck Polish
Version Date
April 8, 2024

Patch Notes

Update #71: Truck Polish

Update #71 follows on a big weekend with the TRUCK JOB heist hitting the streets and so many new Knights joining the New Boston zone. We're excited to return to the regular update schedule this week and smash some fixes, smash your F10s and smash on to the next heist release.

Sorry about the big download size on this one. The build server had a caching issue and the only way to move forward was to flush it and the build size suffered for it.

If you're liking the game, the pace of updates and our style of Early Access, please take a minute to leave a review!
We've also started a new community challenge this week to see your best multi-class builds! This one is a lot of fun to test out new things and new metas that maybe haven't been explored before. You in?

Truck Job Floaters

If you were running the TRUCK JOB and saw the mechanized infantry simply "floating" through stuff, you weren't the only one. Scary, right! Well, now fixed.

Retargeting Annoyances

We've rebuilt how a character steps out around cover to give the character more options (now 8 options instead of just 4) which will help you get the best sight lines to enemy targets or when trying to get a good Overwatch cone setup.

This also has a big impact on any time that the targeting got confused when planning movement (saying that you could hit 1 in the bottom left but when you got there it was 0). This was due to the less step out spots and allowing the step out spots to be influenced by rotation. Technicalities, but big ones!

And finally, this fix fully resolves all of the annoyances around retargeting that were going. Sometimes, when trying to shoot an enemy multiple times in a row, suddenly you'd be stuck with an "No Sight Line" result until you hit ESC or reclicked on them, or you'd just lose the targeting altogether. These issues are now fixed, thankfully.

Biomimic and BioScan Fields

We fixed the issue with the Scourge's Biomimic bug that was not always working in a Bio-Scan Field, depending on the ordering of who entered the field last. Now it always works and a Biomimic'd Scourge is excluded for any and all merc counts.

Enemy Spawning

We've resolved the issues with enemy spawnng in odd positions and rotations, kind of a bad jumble. They are back to being nicely organized and fanned out from the main spawn location. Only if they need to find other locations due to something blocking them will they get more organic.

Enemy Spinning

Sometimes the enemy AI would just start a rotation action and not really try to turn much or at all. This kind of twitchy is now cut out completely and the enemies will only go for a rotation action when it is sensible. It looks nicer and actually cuts down on a good deal of thinking cycles and raycasting required every time a turn was done.

Pathing and Lighting Issues

There are a few types of textures we are fighting in certain levels – usually paper on the ground – that can in some cases be painted with a white background. We're working through addressing these as they are new bugs caused by the new lighting engine. We'll get them all fixed soon.

We also fixed a number of odd pathing issues in the Forward Op mission map[.

Typos and Duplicate Journal Entry

We fixed a heap of typos and also a duplicate entry in the journal for Water Desalination. Thanks to the F10 crew for posting these up!

v1.5.7 - 4/84/2024

- New Power Button Eyes option
- Fixed issue with mechanized infantry in Truck Job walking/running through objects
- Fixed issues where sometimes target or sight line would be lost after making attack on a target until canceled / retargeted
- Fixed bug with Scourge's Bio-Mimic not deceiving BioScan Field if Scourge is the last merc to enter
- Improved AI behavior to avoid repeated rotations that sometimes don't go anywhere
- Fixed issue with start enemy positions for reinforcements not being well organized
- Fixed duplicate lore text paragraphs in Water Treatement and Desalination section of journal
- Fixed odd pathing issues in Forward Op mission map