Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #75: Wax On

Update #75: Wax On
Version Date
April 20, 2024

Patch Notes

Update #75: Wax On

Welcome to Update #75 in the New Boston Zone, where we smash your F10s and polish the game up some more. Just because we're working around the clock on the next major roadmap update doesn't mean you shouldn't have improvements to the game every other day during Early Access! So here we are - with the most requested F10s fixed.

Thanks to everyone playing, sharing feedback and especially posting F10s! We hope you'll take a minute to share the game and if you like the direction we're headed or the pace in which we are going, please take a moment to leave a review.

Now, let's look at what we've improved for you in Update #75 - but if you missed Update #74's major face textures improvements, don't sleep on that one either :D

Secondary Objectives Automated

If a mission offers a special reward like extra money or XP or anything if you finish within a certain Turn or Sec Level limit, that is now always shown in the secondary objectives. We previously had a system in place that required the author to put them in, but that wasn't going to be easy or reliable enough for all the mission scenarios and especially for proc-gen. Now we detect them and inject them as needed so they are always present.

Thanks to everyone putting in F10s about this!

Spike Reasons

If you are in a CPU or APU and can't spike it, we now show the exact reason inline with text and a warning icon. The causes are because your Scan is not 2/2 yet or there are surviving IC in the node, but sometimes that can be pretty opaque and was tripping up a lot of hackers. Even after the new matrix tutorial arrives, this will still be very helpful to have the reason always shown.

Matrix Files and Account Placement

We've made a major pass of improvement to the routines that selected Files and Accounts to place within matrix systems. This should both make sure that data and financial nodes never end up empty but also ensure that the Files and Accounts you can find there are correctly linked to the right faction, make a lot more sense and are possibly much more exciting and valuable than what you were finding before.

We're always grinding to improve all these aspects of the game, so thanks to everyone submitting F10s here!

+2 Matrix Host Templates

As we prepare for new types of Hacker-only missions, we've dropped in 2 new matrix host templates to keep the possible list of hosts you can encounter in proc-gen hacking missions ever growing.

CPU Spiking Improvements

We've improved the rules for CPU Spiking which specifically reduce the Q-Sec Tally levels. The new rules are clearer and more valuable to the player in all situations. The Q-Sec Tally level is reduced by 200% whatever Tally is required to raise an Escalation. If its 35 Tally per Escalation then you can see a drop of 70 Tally. Unless you were below 70 Tally to start, this will buy you 2 "free" Escalations where the system passes the Escalation point but takes no action. It doesn't wake IC, or cause lethal damage or anything - it just sleeps on it.

So, reaching the CPU and Spiking it can buy you a big gap of time where you are free to run rampage over the system now. There are even helpful log messages that detail the loss of Q-Sec Tally and the number of free Escalations you'll get. The Sec Tally UI doesn't respond intelligently yet, but that is on our list.

We're going to circle back to APU after this and tune up some of its numbers to make sure it is taking the same kind of approach.

Overwatch Targeting

For those players who were struggling with getting their perfect Overwatch angle and distance but finding that OW only targeted if your cursor was over floor tiles … we've fixed your F10s! Overwatch will now target in whatever direction and distance you point, regardless of what you're pointing at. This gives you freedom to get the best cone and direction no matter the terrain or a crevasse or a wall or anything.

Yield and Delay Preview Fixes

Both Yield and Delay previews were bugged in that they would lie about the final placement of your merc if a merc and an enemy shared the same resulting Initiative after the action. Your mercs always win ties against enemies, so if you both have 7 then the preview now correctly shows - for Yield and Delay - that your merc will take the first action.

Headshot Retakes

With Update #75, we've adjusted the lighting setup for the camera used to capture your character's 2D headshots. With the new skin detail pass, the lighting there as too bright and we've toned it down for its best look. All default portraits and contacts in the game are immediately updated to update your custom squad members, you'll need to grow through the roster, open the Appearance tab and for each character hover over some options. You don't need to set any, and you'll see the portrait change.

Sorry we couldn't automate this one!

Roster Tags and Updates

We've fixed a number of cases where the tags in the roster were not updating fast enough if you took action related to Wound or Injury Treatment. Now they all update on the spot and also they all use abbreviated timestamps ("12d and 4h" instead of longform "12 days and 4 hours") which fit a lot better in the small space.

Thanks to everyone submitting F10s and helping us improve!

v1.5.15 - 4/20/2024

- Secondary objectives tied to rewards for complete in less than X Turns or less than Y Sec Level always displayed in Objectives list
- Added inline explanation with warning icon explaining why you can't spike APU/CPU (not Scan 2/2, not all IC destroyed)
- Improved routines for placing Files and Accounts are placed in data and financial nodes, improves variety and prevents empty nodes
- Added 2 new matrix host templates for Hack Only proc-gen jobs
- Improved rules for CPU Spiking - reduces Q-Sec Tally by 200% Tally required to Escalation, gaining 2 "free" Escalations
- Improved Overwatch targeting mouse input that prevent targeted it toward impassible areas
- Fixed issues with Delay and Yield preview that could show wrong result (player after enemy)
- Injury and Treatment Tags in roster uses shortened date format (11d 4h)
- Treatment Tag in roster correctly updates when status changes
- Fixed issue with Mission timer sometimes reading "Immediately left"
- Improved performance of Talent list and effect list in character hovers