Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #76: Shared Library Debuts

Update #76: Shared Library Debuts
Version Date
April 22, 2024

Patch Notes

Update #76: Shared Library Debuts

Update #76 is built completely around a new feature set - importing and export appearances or saving those appearance settings to a shared Library that can be accessed from any of your saved games or whenever you are creating a new game.

This is a great convenience feature, especially if you are replaying a lot and have specific looks for their Knight or mercs that you like to rapidly restore. With a few clicks, you can migrate the look of your Team A to a new game team or to Team B in a different saved game altogether.

But, from here this is very exciting launchpad for other types of content that can be saved and then later be shared or restored across saved games. Even as we release the appearance import/export/library feature set, we are already working on import/export/library features for your favorite class build. Got a spec you always want for you Vanguard? Soon you'll be able to save and restore that without having to manually recreate it each new saved game. Or post your best specs to the guide your writing for others to load directly.

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Shared Library

You can now save and load your character appearances to your Library. Your shared Library is stored in the Steam Cloud, is not affected if you deleted individual saved games and can be accessed in any saved game to save and load appearances. The library is also directly accessible when setting up a new game team. 

With a few quick clicks you can now name and save any appearance you like, delete old appearances you aren't using any more or load the one you need for this team member. In addition, if you happen to make a mistake while the Import/Export panel is open, you can always hit "Undo Changes" to rollback to the appearance you had before you opened the panel.

Import / Export with Clipboard

Using the new Import/Export option within Appearance tab in new game or in roster, you can quickly get a text version of your character's appearance. You can save it offline or share it with the community to check out and use for their own characters.

The appearance data has a simple little envelope around it so you can be sure you have everything you need if you share it.

For example, here is a modified version of Dade I like to use in New Games. Just copy the entire block including the BEGIN and END lines to your clipboard and click Paste from Clipboard in the game to check it out.


It's a great and simple feature set that paves they way for more complicated data structures in the library.

Starting Warchest

New Games will now start with $25K in the bank instead of $15K, opening up the options for early game Leverages you can purchase.

Common / Rare Equipment

With this update we've fixed a few minor issues with equipment of all kinds - weapons, weapon mods, armor, items, programs and cyberdecks - to ensure that nothing but Common and Rare items are being sold (with it mostly being Common items). These are "Common" on the blackmarket, not common in the open market where all of these wares are highly illegal. Rares can appear … rarely in the market.

And Epic and Legendary items can never be purchased, they can only be stolen, borrowed "for a time", disappeared, snatched or generally heisted. Rare equipment will be the switch hitters, they can show up in either category - bought or stolen.

As we keep moving forward on loot improvements, this will become more critical as (Rare, Epic and Legendary) weapon, weapon mods and armor start to filter into the loot options alongside items.

v1.5.17 - 4/22/2024

- Added new appearance management features: import, export and save to shared library
- Easy import/export through clipboard to share your appearance setup with others
- Easy save to library to re-use the appearance in other games or when starting a new game
- Increased new game starting bankroll to $25K
- Fixed minor data inconsistencies - anything sold by a Contact is always of Rarity Common or Rare, higher values reserved for stolen things
- Improved hotkeys in dialog to always show ESC (default) to skip instead of hiding it sometimes