Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #77: Obligation Call

Update #77: Obligation Call
Version Date
April 26, 2024

Patch Notes

Update #77: Obligation Call

Welcome to Update #77, where we have a new storyline and heist to pull with exciting new set of objectives. The new storylines focuses on an Obligation Call - a short cycle, high difficulty mission to complete the Obligation you've sworn to a Contact. Keep it in mind, if you're making promises, you'll have to pay the piper eventually.

We've also added a nice improvement to weapon display to show their firing modes, fixed a sneaky bug with Overwatch that had crept in and fixed some inconsistent behavior with timeline events around medical and injury time healing. So - let's take a look!

We're excited to be making continual progress toward the next major roadmap item. If you like our pace or the direction we are heading, be sure to leave a review on Cyber Knights!

New Heist: Obligation Call

Obligations are promises you make to Contacts in the underground. They are the reverse of how a Contact can owe you a Favor and will redeem it later for cash or to help you. So, when a Contact who you owe an Obligation calls it in, you've got a tough choice to make. Jump and do whatever they need without payment or burn the relationship to the ground and suffer the consequences.

This new heist is the first Obligation Call storyline, which gives the Casting Director a lot of free rein to find someone who you owe an Obligation and matches a wide profile of Contact. Then things get interesting. With Obligation Calls, you're almost always on a razor sharp timeline. Will you keep your Obligation? Remember that if you don't, the burning of the relationship will flow outward into the network of relationships, so anyone who liked or disliked the Contact in question will follow suit with their own Stress and Hype.

You'll need a squad about Power Level 2 and a Contact to whom you own an Obligation, but you start with a few of those - so most squads should be ready to rock on this one.

Weapon Firing Mode Labeled

We've added the missing firing mode names to the top of the columns in the weapon display - Single Shot, Semi-Auto, Burst Fire and Full Auto weapon modes. While Single Shot, Semi-Auto and Burst Fire all provide the same ability (attack a single target) they offer different special rules (like Rapid Fire lighter weapons and Precision Fire for most Burst Fire) and some Talents only work with different firing modes like Single Shot weapons.

Hope it is helpful for your Talent and weapon planning!

Fixed Overwatch Ignored Bug

There was a hotly reported Overwatch bug introduced 2 updates ago. It could cause mercs and enemies both to be simply ignored by Overwatch even if they were taking action, moving or attacking in full view of the Overwatching character. Sorry for that - we know in some cases your mercs got a good break and in others, you just got screwed over a bit.

This is now resolved!

Timeilne / Roster Bugs

We hit another one of the most reported F10 issues with the medical timelines for wound or injury treatment being inconsistent or sometimes getting stuck. Sometimes the numbers didn't add up correctly or a treatment could just stay on the timeline without ending and drift farther and farther into negative territory.

In addition, we found and a rare bug that could leave mercs in the special Extracted state even when they returned to the safehouse. This would cause mercs to first be on your roster but as soon as any change was made like training them they would disappear until you reloaded the game. They will not just re-appear.

Fixed Carnivore Cop Bug

If you've played through Carnivore, you may have ended up in a state where the cop in charge of the SWAT is not showing in your contact list, and if he or she was, they were missing a critical story tag about the events that transpired in the Underground Datacenter. All that is fixed in all current and future games now, check your Contact ilst.

High-End Missions are … free?

For the players who have played their squads out to the max and found that there was a sudden drop off in payment (to $0) and XP (to 0 XP) for jobs … we've fixed it for you! And we love that you're enjoying the game so much :D

v1.5.19 - 4/26/2024

- New Heist: Snitch Snuff Out is an "Obligation Call" - a contact who you owe an Obligation needs your help *right now*
- Weapon firing mode (Single Shot, Semi Auto, Burst First or Full Auto) now shown above each stat column
- Fixed issues with Overwatch ignoring merc's attacks and certain movement situations
- Fixed issue with enemy Overwatch cone sometimes being 1m offset from the enemy's position incorrectly
- Fixed issue with recovery time from Wound Healing being inconsistent, getting stuck or failing to heal the wound
- Fixed rare extraction-related bug that could cause mercs to temporarily disappear off the Safehouse roster
- Fixing bug where proc-gen missions dropped to $0 and 0 XP at high enough Power Level
- Fixed issue with nonsensical Leverage offered for Battle Striker proc-gen missions
- Fixed issue with objective text sometimes duplicated in rewards list for missions
- Fixed issue where second cop in the Carnivore storyline could end up not being known in Contact List