Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #78: Smashing F10s

Update #78: Smashing F10s
Version Date
April 29, 2024

Patch Notes

Update #78: Smashing F10s

As we are rev'ing the pedal toward the big base building update, we're still working to keep the quality of life and bug fix train chugging along. Today we've got a nice update hitting the most hotly reported F10s, so thank you for posting them up!

If you like the direction we're heading and the pace of updates, please take a moment to leave a review.

Overwatch & Cornering

We fixed a bug that could cause your Overwatch character to step back into cover after setting Overwatch cone, meaning they'd be facing a wall and therefore not able to see any targets moving in their cone of Overwatch … so they wouldn't shoot. Few things are more tilting in an TBT game! Now fixed.

We've also improved a longstanding issue where your character didn't visually step out when considering to shoot a target. This would similarly leave them facing a wall which wasn't a great look, often jamming their gun into the geometry of the wall, only to step out when they made the shot. This is now fixed and importantly, when just considering targets, this is a "test" so the merc does not really step out and become visually spotted until they make the attack.

Item Effects

The effects of items like Shock Mine, Concussion Grenade and Dazzler have been oddly absent from your merc and enemy status pop ups. We've now resolved this situation and the effects appear along with the duration. This also ensures they appear correctly in the hover on the map with an icon and duration too. For stun heavy builds, this is a big boon!

Secondary Objectives Again

We fixed a bug that was prevent secondary objectives about Sec Level and Turn limit not to always display. This is so helpful especially on proc-gen missions where these extra objectives are almost always present.

v1.5.23 - 4/29/2024

- Fixed bug with merc Overwatch around corners leaving merc facing the wall and enemies moving through cone
- Fixed bug where targeting Overwatch could suddenly pick a distance farther than you clicked
- Fixed bug where Shock Mine, Concussion Grenade and Dazzler Stun Effects were not listed in enemy detail screen
- Fixed bug preventing secondary objectives about completing mission with Turn or Sec Level requirements from being shown
- Fixed visual bug where mercs testing out a target would not step around a corner but instead would face the wall
- Fixed bug a where secondary objectives about Sec Level below a certain value failed when Sec Tally exceed that value