Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #79: Share and Auto-Train Builds

Update #79: Share and Auto-Train Builds
Version Date
May 1, 2024

Patch Notes

Update #79: Share and Auto-Train Builds

Update #79 is hitting the streets of New Boston with another major set of features to help you perfect your class training builds - share them, auto-train them, save them and re-use them with a few clicks - a very exciting set of community and efficiency set of features coming together to make the game more fun to play. Also, we've added new tactical benefits of saving AP, fixed some level issues and a longstanding issue with Stealth Crit % bonus from Silence.

If you like the pace of improvements and updates, please take a moment to leave a review to help us keep moving forward – fast – during Early Access!

And, something soon -

We're excited to share on Twitter and other channels this morning that We are just one week away from adding Cyber Knights' final core feature: safehouse basebuilding!

Now - what do we have today?

Import, Export and Saving your Builds to Library

As a starting point, we've brought the same set of sharing and saving features we added for Appearance to your class builds. You can now export your class build to an easy to share string like this –


And you can import a class build someone else has shared. And then, you can save either your own custom class build or your imported class build with a name to your Library so that it can be shared between all of your saved games.

What are some great uses of this feature?
1) sharing your coolest builds with friends or as a guide
2) easily saving and restoring your Stealth Vanguard and Murder Vanguard builds with a few clicks
3) rapid and easy respec
4) less clicks, less repeated choices
5) perfecting your builds, science!, sharing, community, lettuce!

But really, its all about Auto-Training.

Auto-Training your Build

Once you have a class build imported or loaded from your library, your character remembers that build and the Auto-Training button will appear in the left hand column. A class build is a specific set of nodes trained in a specific order, including any multi-classing choices.

Check out the video above to get a full run down on this feature and some of the awesome ways you can use it.

Clicking auto-train will show you the next set of nodes in the build you've loaded and if you can train them or not.
(1) Auto-Train build can be small or long. Here is a build for "insta Knight" that is the first move I always use for my new Knights -


(2) Auto-Train builds can do multi-classing, so build your perfect Vanguard-Cybersword
(3) the build is remembered, so once you've used all your Level Points, the Auto-Train build is there for you. When you come back to the screen with more Level Points, just click Auto-Train to keep following the build
(4) import a class build from a guide, such as this awesome set:

Unused AP becomes +Initiative

For those mercs that are chilling at the end of their Turn, either waiting for the next action or just being careful not to get too loud or rowdy before it gets loud, there is a new bonus for ending your action with unused Action Points. For each unspent Action Point remaining when you end your Turn, you get a flat +1 Initiative bonus in the next Turn. The ghosting preview of your position in the next Turn respects this bonus, so you can check it out easily and see where you land as you spend down your AP.

This isn't an overpowering bonus, but a tactical consideration. For those mercs that aren't taking action at all or can afford to sit still, the +6 is a very large Initiative bonus and is going to place them very high if not first in the order. There is no bonus for unused Move Points.

In order to ensure that Take Cover (which will fire automatically) didn't become a disadvantage within this system, it has gained a +1 Initiative bonus as well.

Silence Buff Stealth Critical %

We fixed a bug with the buff from Silence to your Stealth Crit % chance not appear in the accuracy breakdown in the top right. This is an old one but a popular F10, as all our stealth ninjas really want that extra +20% Critical! Now you've got it. Enjoy your silent kills.

v1.5.25 - 5/1/2024

- New class build management features: import, export and save to shared library
- Easy import/export through clipboard to share your class builds with others
- Easy save to library to re-use your class builds in other games or for new teams
- Once a class build is loaded, click Auto-Train to considering training the next nodes
- Complete flexibility to follow your Auto-Train build, train other nodes or load a new Auto-Train and try something else
- Cleaned up and improved navigation in class training screen
- Fixed class tree bugs that could result in frozen class tree nodes
- If Ending Turn with unused AP, gain a +1 Initiative bonus per AP in the next Turn
- Take Cover gains a +1 Initiative to stay competitive
- Fixed issue with Silence Crit Stealth Chance buff not appearing always in the right hand corner Accuracy breakdown
- Fixed display issue where Stress or Hype could exceed 100% (OVER-hypeeeeee!)
- Fixed out of place prop group in Lockdown Station
- Adjusted some trigger areas in tutorial to ensure you can't accidentally slip past them