Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #85: Glitch in the Datastreams

Update #85: Glitch in the Datastreams
Version Date
May 17, 2024

Patch Notes

Update #85: Glitch in the Datastreams

Down in the underbelly of New Boston, welcome Update #85! We've got a small bump to the level cap, new Matrix program types (Hybrid-Utilities), and tons of matrix improvements. We've also improved the display and text shown with accounts, and fixed the mostly highly reported 2 game locks that occur during missions.

One of our next major milestones is the matrix tutorial, so we're pressing hard on a few feature adds, bug fixes and improvements on the entire Matrix to make sure we're tutorializing the best foot we can put forward. Check out the latest!

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Level Cap Bump for Extra Talent

When we raised the Level cap to 25, it was a nice +5 level points for all of our mercs and Knights out there but it fell 1 level short of the mathematically determined milestone for a new Talent limit point. That is not the most fun result - so we've bumped the max Level cap by +1 to make it 26 and let max level characters train into one more Talent or Passive.

Hybrid-Utility Programs

The newest type of program has arrived today which is a Hybrid-Utility. While these programs have Program Ratings that are too high to install on any existing deck and they have large memory footprints to boot, they are both a Utility (granting a buff as long as they stay in active memory) and regular active programs (allowing active use, like Attacking or Sleazing).

These program types can currently only be achieved by minting File Sets of code files, compiling new high-power programs like Attack III (FAS) and Nuke II (HOT). If you have previously compiled these programs, check out your Deck Mgmt, the programs will now appear as they should.

Each type of Hybrid-Utility comes in a series like FAS or HOT (with QCK, HWD and RIP to follow). FAS Programs are IO accelerators that make it easier to load other programs, at the cost of connection health. HOT Programs are damage boosting programs that make it easier to destroy, at the cost of hacker health.

We're excited to see how HOT and FAS programs play into your hacking strategies. One straightforward way to use these Hybrid-Utilities is to load-and-hold them for as long as you can, using them only as a last resort so that you can get as much benefit from the Utility side of their hybrid nature as possible.

Matrix Buff / Debuff Visibility

All Matrix buffs on your Hacker are now clearly visible in the top left corner along with the turn duration for each effect. This is a big help tracking the buffs of Utility and Hybrid-Utilities, as well as your Talents and buffs from Leverages as well.

Hacking Leaking to Meat-space

We fixed 2 big issues with Hacking and returning to meat-space. The first is that some of your Hacking AP might come with you and you could actually increase meat-space AP by hacking. This is now fixed, and your resulting Action Points after hacking are equal to whichever is lower of the two:
  • (AP you started the Hack with) - (Hacking AP spent / 10)
  • (AP you started the Hack with) - 1 AP
So, at minimum a Hack will cost you -1 AP or more if you take action in the matrix host.

Also, we fixed issues with the AP hover on the character going a big crazy after hacking where it would show very large numbers.

We also fixed a class of bugs about disconnect / reconnect in the same Turn for hackers.

Fixed Overwatch Freeze and Movement Glitch

A huge thanks to everyone reporting F10s! In Update #84, we improved the situation with Overwatch, squeezing out cases that could cause a freeze, but it's clear we didn't catch all of them. Thankfully, we also added a ton of extra checks and logging so we could get a handle on this difficult bug in production. With the newest crop of F10s that have come in since Update #84, we've found and fixed the root issue. Hopefully, #85+ will no longer see possibility of freezes during intense Overwatch gunfights.

Finally, we fixed a movement glitch that could sometimes result in a character suddenly moving a distance after targeting an enemy and canceling it to test out a move. Thanks to everyone who found and reported this odd issue with an F10!

v1.6.13 - 5/17/2024

- Increased Level cap to 26 to grant +1 Talent Limit
- New type of Program - the Hybrid-Utility grants an active program ability (Attack, Nuke, Scan, etc) AND a buff as long as it stays loaded
- Compile source code through File Sets to create new Hybrid-Utility programs
- Hybrid-Utilities of HOT type boost damage while loaded
- Hybrid-Utilities of FAS type boost IO speed while loaded
- All matrix buffs are now visible in top left of the Matrix HUD with hovers and turn duration
- Improved handling of Utility and Hybrid-Utility program buffs when force unloaded by IC or host
- Fixed Matrix bug where possible hacking AP leaks back into meat-space or meat-space character hovers
- Fixed Matrix bug where some buffs could persist and double-up during connection and disconnect cycles
- Increased price penalties for Contact Traits Fast-Splice and Hack-Saw
- Accounts stolen after this update will include lore name and description
- Fixed issue where ignored recruits might hang around on the roster, inactive but visible
- Fixed bug where movement could suddenly glitch after targeting enemy and move merc
- Fixed bugs with Overwatch reaction to Full Auto attacks, bugs that can cause Overwatch to freeze game