Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #87: At the Hack Station

Update #87: At the Hack Station
Version Date
May 21, 2024

Patch Notes

Update #87: At the Hack Station

Update #87 continues to press on community F10s, quality of life requests and bug reports. We've got some major things cooking back at HQ and some milestone items coming up, but for now we're making sure everything in the latest massive base building update is working as it should be. We've fixed a number of issues, improved the matrix to prep for the tutorial and made some much needed changes to the UI pattern in dialog to ensure that confirm-is-confirm.

If you're enjoying the pace of updates, please consider leaving a review. Thank you!

Hacking YouTube Tutorial

As we are still working on getting everything ready and done for the proper in-game Matrix Tutorial, we've taken a moment to record a brief and focused YouTube tutorial for anyone looking for help here.

Learn to hack to drop the alarm level, control security devices, get valuable paydata, and complete CPU spike missions.

Confirm to Advance Dialog

With Update #87, we've fixed the longstanding issue where TAB was by default used to advance dialog instead of the regular UI confirmation, spacebar. This issue stemmed from the regular concern over controller and keyboard players hitting space rapidly and accidentally selecting the first dialog option without realizing it in a rush of mashing buttons. To address this, we've moved the selection for keyboard and controllers to a prompt above the choices - so, hit (A) or (space) to advance the dialog and when a choice comes, you can't make a choice until you use your D-pad or arrow keys to navigate down.

In the same vein, there is a dead spot on the screen that refuses to accept "click to advance" clicks during dialogs. This area is the area where the choices will appear and is there to prevent you from spamming clicks into an area where dialog choices are going to be shortly, and then accidentally mashing your way through a choice. The dead zone is now highlighted in a darker color to make it clear so you can click elsewhere.

We've also added an attribution arrow to the last line of shown dialog to help it be more clear as the speaker jumps back and forth between sides.

Hacker Details in HUD

We've improved the hacker's details in the top left of the matrix HUD with Update #87. This includes breaking out Cyberdeck Shield and Cyberdeck Armor to give them their own own icons, hovers and space above the 3 health bars for your hacker (HP, Cyberdeck, Connection Health).

We've also added a set of new hovers to cover these re-organized fields.

Safehouse Leverages

If you were using the Field Ops or Hacking Station rooms in your safehouse to gain additional leverages, you might have found that a few of them were not working as advertised. In some cases, they were but were giving no indication to the player. Regardless, we've fixed the lot of them, including Pemex Doubler, RIPR DX and Bespoke Deck Armor.

We've also fixed an issue where the passive on-first-turn type of Leverages were not being shown in the Command HQ when you returned there to finish your mission planning. This was making them feel even less likely to be useful.

Please F10 any additional issues you have, but we're seeing the whole set working and displaying better now.

Underworld Hub: Legwork Hustle Up

The Legwork Hustle Up capability of the Underworld Hub in your Safehouse was not working. A math error with rounding things off to whole numbers snuck in near the end of testing and set everything back to the same duration it had before! This is now fixed.

We are working on better feedback for using tokens, but the first priority is to crush any bugs in the actual mechanical parts before getting some dialog in there from the Face.

Double IO Bug

We fixed a bug that was sometimes causing IO buffs from Programs or Talents to be counted twice or to reapply on the following turn. IO is so important and comes from many sources - your deck, your cybernetics, your Talents and your programs - so getting every point counts.

Targeting Click and Cancel Bug

We fixed an old bug that could cause the click to target an enemy to instantly cancel the attack targeting. In this case, the target circle would flash on screen and then disappear. This is now resolved, hurrah!

v1.6.19 - 5/21/2024

- Improved dialog and story choice display - confirm (spacebar by default), attribution arrow, smooth scrolling
- Improved Hacker HUD in the top left corner to show Cyberdeck Shield and Armor separately
- Fixed reported issues with Safehouse-driven Leverages
- Improved Command HQ's mission planning by showing Passive Leverages on a mission
- Fixed RIPR DX, Pemex Memory Doubler
- Fixed issues with matrix Armor buffs like Bespoke Deck Armor not reducing damage correctly
- Fixed issue with IO Speed buffs sometimes being double-applied
- Fixed issue with Underworld Hub not correctly reducing Legwork duration
- Fixed issue that could cause game to ignore clicks on enemy targets or immediately cancel targeting