Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #88: Sorting it Out

Update #88: Sorting it Out
Version Date
May 24, 2024

Patch Notes

Update #88: Sorting it Out

It's late Friday night and updates are brewing in New Boston. This is when the heisters like to make their hits, so let's dive in. With Update #88, we've buffed 2 Hacker Talents focused on more stealthy style of hacking - Scapegoat and Spoof - as well as adding 4 new filters to help you sort out and manage your files and their relation to sets. We've fixed a longstanding issue about items selling for $1K and the odd price mismatches in the grid and sell UI, well as fixing issues with first turn buff Leverages and resolving any lingering bugs caused by the loadouts screen.

If you're enjoying the pace of updates and improvements, please take a minute to share the game with a review. We're working hard to keep Early Access a constant forward motion and we'll be putting up a preview thread for the next class added to the game next week.

Hacker Scapegoat and Spoof

Both Scapegoat and Spoof received starting Duration buffs. These both started with a very slim duration, making it hard to use them advance and leaving some possibility that the tokens could simply expire. An extra turn for each, and with duration boosters among their upgrades, makes them a more versatile play.

In addition, the Scapegoat passive Talent which blocks Q-Sec Tally added by destroying an IC that is not disabled (often with Nuke or Null Op) now has an addition starting token. We're testing out this balance and considering if it needs even more token buffs in the upgrades tree.

File Filters

We've added a set of 4 new filters for files to help you organize and prioritize for sale, keeping and use.
  • All Files that are not included in a set can be shown or hidden using the "Not used by Set" filter.
  • All files that are part of a set can be shown or hidden by using the "Used By Set" filter.
  • If a File was created by minting a set, you can now use the "Created by Set" filter to find these result Files quickly.
  • Finally, if a file has a Use action, like a V-Chip or a File that can create a mission, these are now easy to locate using the Has Use Action filter.
These new filters should cover the use cases we've heard from players across our channels. Thanks to everyone sharing how you're approaching files in Discord, Steam and in F10s!

Inventory Pricing, Items No Longer $1K

When you're in your inventory, you're likely checking on something to equip, sorting out weapon mods or planning to sell something. We've worked on smoothing out the selling experience and preview prices for all types of equipment and fixed the bug that was forcing all items to sell for exactly $1K.

There are 3 places prices are shown in the Inventory - a preview price in the grid, a preview price in the Sell button and a final price offered by each individual contact. For items, all 3 of these prices were different until Update #88.

Before Update #88, the grid price was showing the preview for what you'd pay to buy it, but you already own it … so now it is nicely updated to preview the sell price as early as possible. Items were also incorrectly using the price of their bundle (Buy 5 for $15K) instead of individual prices ($3K).

Anyway, its nicer and you can make some money, if not riches, by selling items now.

We're glad to see this set of issues resolved and are working toward multi-buy and multi-sell with a quantity slider. That will be wildly helpful here.

Loadout Issues

If you were having any loadout issues - such as missing armor - making the character roster screen or inventory screens act oddly or freeze, we've fixed a set of issues that came along with the big release of the safehouse. Your games should be automagically healed, so just boot them up and play on.

First Turn Buff Leverages

A big thanks to everyone reporting specifics with your F10s about any Leverages that aren't working. It is great to see everyone using these so much. This update includes a fix to ensure that Leverage buffs aren't lost incorrectly during a retry turn or retry mission.

v1.6.21 - 5/24/2024

- Buffed Hacker's Scapegoat Talent with +1 Turn duration and +1 token, switch a duration upgrade to recharge rate
- Buffed Hacker's Spoof Talent with +1 Turn duration
- Added 4 new filters for Files in Cold Storage - Not Used by Set, Used by Set, Created by Set, Has Use Action
- Cyber Surgery tag in roster shows time for recovery inline
- Improved inventory pricing display to ensure the price shown in the grid, the Sell button and the contact list all match
- Fixed issue with Items always selling for only $1K
- Fixed issue with File "Use" button only appearing in "Files" tab but not "All" tab in Cold Storage
- Fixed issues caused by loadout screen last week, issues with not wearing any armor
- Fixed issues with first-turn buffs from Leverages
- Improved matrix hover for auto-dump nodes