Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #89: Leg Day

Update #89: Leg Day
Version Date
May 29, 2024

Patch Notes

Update #89: Leg Day

It's night again on the streets of New Boston so it must be time for an update! We've got a new storyline, new minor faction, new type of Hacking combat drug, updated lore entries for the megacorps, big improvement roster combat stats display, better filters, fixed inventory … the list is long! Let's dive in!

But first, thank you for playing, posting and leaving a review. We are a small studio and we wouldn't be here, making these games without your support, so thank you.

New Legwork-based Storyline

Not every storyline is a mission and this new storyline is based around a legwork named "Child of the Belly." You'll be approached by a contact with a favor to ask and from there, you can figure the rest out on your own! It's not a night for spoilers around here. This is why they hire you, Knight!

Megacorporate Journal Entries

We've added lore entries for the big 6 megacorporations - Jupiter Group, Matsumoto Global Technologies, McKellen Heavy Industries, UltraTek, Rook Technologies and Warner-Braun Global. We'll be working our way through editing and finalizing the entries for the rest of the mil-sec, Syndicate and gang players soon.

Roster Combat Stats and Buffs/Debuffs

With Update #89, we've added a new block of data to each character's roster entry. This includes the Initiative (full equation with bonuses), Action Points and Move Points (including any decimals you can't use) as well as a single, consolidated list of all buffs and debuffs from all sources (cyberware, class tree, Traits, Wounds, etc).

Hopefully this full stat dump will be helpful to everyone!

Pips Flashing

We have improved the animation of your Action Point (AP) and Move Point (MP) pips in attack, movement and when using a Talent. In the animation, the pips that are going to animate are also highlighted white for all frames during the animation, which is a big help when you are changing targets or destination move locations rapidly and want to be able to see the exact cost without waiting for the animation flash.

It's a minor polish but that's to all of our players helping us layer on this extra bit of good!

Ahhh simple inventory bliss LOL

Inventory Improvements

We fixed a bug in inventory that was keeping the weapon mods and weapons of the latest selected character still visible even if the filter "Ready to Equip/Sell" was checked. This means that multiple weapons and mods with 2/2 (not ready to equip!) were appearing in the list. This helps the inventory make so much more sense, truly showing only what you have on the shelf.

File Prices and Filters

File Prices are now affected by Power Level in a small fashion. Each Power Level raises the price a few percentage points. You're still going to be most interested in Rarity as the big bump in price, but you'll find a clear difference now between a 1 and 5 Power Level file.
With Update #88, we added 4 awesome File filters (Not Used by Set, Used by Set, Created by Set, Has Use Action). But, these were joined together using the AND logic, meaning to find a file with a Use Action you actually had to [X] Not Used by Set AND [X] Has Use Action.

We've improved the situation here to switch to an OR logic, so the filters are much more readily useable. And we've made the filters remembered when you change screens or tabs, helping you keep your current context if you're checking out File Sets, for example.

Improved Safehouse Tutorial

We're continue to work on all F10s we receive about the Safehouse and how to improve. We've made some nice updates to the tutorial to help cut down on repetition reminders and to make sure that the right reminders are coming at the right time.

Also, we've rewritten all the hover text, explanation and button labels for sending a merc to the detox. Hopefully this is helpful in cutting down some confusion.

There is a lot more to do here to smooth everything out after such a big update, so we're continuing to work our way through it all.

v1.6.27 - 5/292/2024

- Added new legwork-based storyline - "Child of the Belly"
- Storyline introduces new Syndicate and new Hack-only combat drugs
- Added journal entries for lore for the big 6 megacorporations of New Boston
- Added display in roster for merc's Initiative, Action Points, Move Points and sum of all buff/debuffs from all sources
- Improved highlight of AP/MP pips flashing when considering move/attack/action so they are immediately clear
- Switch File Filters (Not Used by Set, Used by Set, Created by Set, Has Use Action) to OR logic instead of limiting AND
- Improved File Filters to be remembered when switching tabs or screens
- File prices more directly affected by Power Level
- Fixed issue with inventory where weapons of last character viewed in roster would ignore filters
- Improved messages about Detoxing in roster
- Fixed missing Hacking tag on some proc-gen missions
- Improved Safehouse Base Building tutorial, fixed repeat pop-ups, improved segment about Cryo Upgrade
- Fixed issue with Tag display where there was a missing faction name
- Fixed issue with ghost "Contact.Name.-1" appearing contact list sometimes