Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #9: Hotfix Rollup

Update #9: Hotfix Rollup
Version Date
Oct. 30, 2023

Patch Notes

Update #9: Hotfix Rollup

Since you might be seeing a series of small updates to Cyber Knights: Flashpoint in Steam, we wanted to put up a new post detailing the fixes that are going along with each. This is from a series of 3 small hotfix patches that focus on fixing the hottest issues in the F10 queues.

We're very excited to see these queues really starting to normalize and now are going around and squashing the biggest bugs left one by one. We've got more to do - always more! - but with this set of hotfixes, we're closing out some of the last major sets of soft locks etc.

If you're enjoying the pace of update and seeing the game expand and improve, please consider leaving a review and telling a friend about us!

Armor Points

We've fixed a bug that was showing that all armor had 0 Armor Points in the Safehouse UI for the market and equipment. With the Armor Points now correctly shown, the prices of these armors is suddenly justified!

Armor Points are the number of times your Armor can suffer a Shredded effect before your Armor degrades to using the lower of the two Protection Values. The Poly-78 Hardsuit shown below has Armor Points 2. While it has any Armor Points left, it will use its 70% Protection value but if it is Shredded twice on a mission, it will drop to its 40% Protection. A good reason to consider Patch Kits and Talents that can repair your armor's adaptive nano-material to keep that higher value. Taking hits with 70% is going to stay minor damage ranges but if your Armor hits 0 points, you're going to suddenly start taking much bigger hits.

Overwatch Soft Lock

While rare, a situation in which overwatch started triggering and then target moved (during the short slow motion animation time) into a position where they were out of range or sight would cause Overwatch to simply hang in slow-mo forever. This is now fixed.

Blue Box in Talent Bar

If you were having a game that got stuck due to a blue box appearing in the Talent bar, we've fixed it. The suspicious is that you may have Respec'd a lot or used a lot of items. There was an unexpected bug in the game when you reached your 99th Talent as it conflicted with the default Take Cover Talent. Woops, fixed.

Pushy Cybernetics Sales

We fixed the issue that whenever you entered the cybernetics surgery market, it automatically tried to sell you one of the Plastic Bone Grafts. Hit ESC to cancel of course, but no need to be so push, Doctor. We've had some real Doctor issues around here.

Cyberdecks and Hackers

If you had any issue with newly multi-classed Hackers not getting a cyberdeck, get that team back to the safehouse and it will resolve – all Hackers will have a cyberdeck automatically now. Also, fixed for any future multi-class training.

Everasting Stun

Shock Mines and any "Stunned!" effect were lasting forever. That is now resolved.

v1.0.31 - 10/30/2023
- Correctly prevent any character/cybernetic/equipment/appearance changes to inactive/dead/recruitable characters
- Fixed all display of Armors in Safehouse, Market, Equipment that always incorrectly showed 0 Armor Points
- Fixed Overwatch issue that could leave the game stuck in slow motion state
- Fixed bug in cyberware implant screen that would immediately attempt to install Bone Grafts on open
- Fixed issue with implanting Matrix Link not always granting a cyberdeck
- Fixed issues with Stun effect (shock mines, etc) lasting forever