Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #94: EX Back

Update #94: EX Back
Version Date
June 15, 2024

Patch Notes

Update #94: EX Back

Welcome back New Boston! We had a short break here so this is the first update since the Agent EX was dropped. Update #94 focuses fully on patching EX issues, so thanks to everyone for putting in F10s. We've been pleased just how stable the new class has been, how much play time the EX are getting and just how fun the class is to play and integrate into both new and existing teams.

So thank you for playing, posting to the forums, hitting F10 if you see something and especially to everyone who left a review this week!

Underworld Hub Recruit Levels

With Update #94, we've resolved the issues that were leaving all recruits at level 1 all the time. Now, Underworld Hub safehouse room will accurately predict the level of the characters it can find and any recruits introduced by other members of the squad or contacts will also have a higher level. This level is based on some math related to your Team Power Level, so as that increases expect to see improved recruit level options.

Full Auto in the Class Tree

Soldier and Agent EX both have +X% Full Auto Damage nodes but these were not displaying or actually elsewhere, like in the combat stats summary block or when damage by Full Auto was estimated or applied. So, this is a nice new bonus you weren't getting before.

Also, we've improved 2 of the Soldier's nodes to go from +2% to +3% Full Auto Damage.

We've also fixed one of the bottom left Agent EX class tree nodes that only gave +1 Reaction, it now grants +1 Reaction and +2% Evasion.

Other Agent EX Fixes

We've improved the VFX for Shuriken Wave to give it a feeling of a wave and individual enemies getting hit. We've also simplified the damage calculations for it - S-Wave was incorrectly applying cover and distance reductions to damage like a Grenade and making it quite weak.

We fixed a bug that could cause Agent EX to lock up when trying to re-use certain Talents (due to their VFX being badly cleaned up).

And finally, we fixed a bug where Glitching across different elevations could result in odd rotations and positioning.

v1.6.39 - 6/16/2024

- Fixed starting level of recruits offered by Underworld Hub and by other characters/contacts - no longer always Level 1
- Improved some bonuses in class tree small nodes for Agent EX, Soldier gains 2 X +1% Full Auto boosts
- Fixed issue with Full Auto Dmg bonuses from class tree not appearing in Combat Stats block
- Fixed bugs where repeated use of some Agent EX Talents could lock game randomly
- Improved VFX for Shuriken Wave, fixed issues reducing Pure Damage to targets incorrectly
- Fixed bug with Agent EX Glitch where changing elevation would cause odd final rotation
- Fixed reported typos, thank you!