Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #96: Grab-Bag

Update #96: Grab-Bag
Version Date
June 18, 2024

Patch Notes

Update #96: Grab-Bag

Update #96 is another big bundle of improvements straight from the communities F10s. We are keeping the updates flowing and starting to pull in the big dev branches for our June roadmap milestones. Next up will be Contact Limit Breaks, and this update specifically paves the way for that and pushes some needed improvements to systems in advance of its arrival.

Thanks to everyone posting F10s, posting feedback to the community and to everyone leaving a review as we march to 300 reviews!

Improved Filters

To help with filtering in all cases, we've improved the clarity of the grouping UI, making the titles really pop and adding space between the groups. They are much more readable now, thankfully. We've also improved weapons filter specifically by removing 3 dead-end filters for dogs, cats and drone weapons.

Sellers Filter

We've added a new filter to the market to allow you to filter specifically by a seller. If you've ever wanted a clear view into what Origami Joe is selling versus your other weapons dealers, or you want to know what a new V-Chip Contact is offering, now it is easy to slice and dice the market by one or more sellers with a filter.

This will be really helpful shortly with Contact Limit Breaks and Contacts upgrading their service offerings.

Salvage Job Bug

We fixed an issue with the Salvage Job sibling who might have suddenly started demanding that you recruit him or her AGAIN. Sorry about this issue, should now be cleaned up as of this update.

Melee Weapons and Recoil

A very, very old rule was hanging around in the combat engine that made blades and all melee weapons ignore 50% of the Recoil your character currently had. This was from before the time of Glancing Blows and greatly reduces the importance of Recoil for melee weapons, reduces the value of Strength, and all Talents, Traits and Cyberware that help compensate for Recoil.

We had to remove the rule - melee weapons now use the standard Recoil rules that all weapons use. Before you reach for your pitchfork, keep in mind that melee weapons always get a Glancing Blow, so this change may cause you to get more Glancing Blows at the worst.

More Agent EX Fixes

We've improved the VFX for the EX's Smokescreen Talent as well as Smoke Grenades. it just looks cooler now with more dense smoke in a shape that more clearly fills the area as well as not disappearing after a few second!

We've removed a confusing combat log about using Glitch Talent, which wasn't needed.

Looting Updates

Big changes to looting will be coming very soon with crafting release. Along with this we're working improve the looting tables and setup for many missions. In this update we hit a number of proc-gen missions and the starter Forward Op mission.

v1.6.43 - 6/18/2024

- Upgraded UI styles for filters to clearly separate groups and make headers pop
- Added new filter for market to filter by Contact Seller (what does Origami Joe sell?)
- Removed unused weapon filters for dogs, cats and drones
- Improved visuals for Smoke Grenade and Agent EX Smokescreen Talent and no longer disappear
- Removed combat rule that caused melee weapons to use 1/2 Recoil penalty for attacking
- Improved loot in Forward Op early game mission and proc-gen missions using the same map
- Fixed bug forcing repeat recruitment offer to Salvage Job sibling, even after recruited
- Removed confusing combat log after using Agent EX Glitch Talent