Hi guys!
The new update is up, fixing the most critical issues. With it we've also launched our first devlog video, so please check it out and let us know your thoughts! If the feedback is positive, we'll continue making these for every new update:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUzKT5uaX6gFixed derail glitches:
You've probably experienced cars unexpectedly derailing at some points on the map, even at very low speeds. That's been fixed and trains now feel generally stronger and more robust. Also, when derailed cars should no longer get stuck on track ballast and falling through bridges.
Fixed invisible tunnel wall:
Previously if any car would have derailed on the map, you would no longer be able to go through tunnels. Furthermore, if you'd try to come out of one, it would launch the locomotive flying! That's been fixed.
Improved controls:
Based on your feedback, we've moved the controller interaction point slightly forward making it easier to handle controls. The spherical indicator now glows when in range of an interactable object, and touching the coupler buttons will give vibration feedback.
Room-scale recentering:
It's possible now to recenter the camera in room-scale, in case you'd like to avoid standing close to a wall. Proper teleporting feature will be added later.
Generally, for small spaces we recommend playing in seated mode. In it, you can reposition yourself to four different corners of the cab, using the camera controls (they need some tweaking though).
Improved wheel sounds:
Interaction of wheels on railway has been made more prominent sound-wise, and now gives a better idea as to when you're about to derail. Trains generally feel more massive now.
We've added a newspaper-like changelog to the rear of the cab, in place of an obsolete old map (see devlog video for more details, the actual map is on the front desk!), where you will be able to see the list of main changes in future builds.
For smaller changes, check out the changelog.txt in the game files (there aren't many this time)!
That's it for this update! If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, either for the update or the devlog, let us know on the