Elona+ 2.17
Patch Notes
Changes and additions
Added 2 new special actions that cap and uncap attributes.
Added 9 new mutant race NPCs.
Mining the walls of lake Nefia now has a decent chance of yielding dead fish, and a low chance of yielding jewel coral and magaqua.
Changed how throwing items at a tag team works. The dialogue to select which of the two targets to throw the item at will now always display, instead of displaying only when throwing potions and certain food items.
Made each world vehicle give a fixed world map travel speed bonus.
It used to give a percentage bonus, but that made fast player characters too fast and didn't give enough of a boost for slow characters.
This change is to make travelling easier in early-game.
The movement speed bonus for the truck when travelling on path tiles remains a percentage bonus.
Changed the requirement for joining the Thieves Guild to -100 Karma.
It would take 4 months to join the guild otherwise, which is way too long compared to how fast the player can progress through the content these days.
It can be difficult to find a Nefia with the right danger level especially in early game, so the requirement for joining the Fighters Guild has been relaxed again. The difficulty of quotas from that guild has also been lowered.
Improved the appearance of the buff icon that represented increased experience gain for skills and spells so that it's clearer as to what it does.
Added 1 new item that has a chance to drop from NPCs when they die to something other than an attack.
This is to make other play-styles viable.
It won't drop from NPCs who are too weak, nor will it drop if the rare loot trigger isn't on.
When used, it checks the user's INIT against the NPC that dropped it, and gives the user AP if the check passes. If the check fails, the item is not consumed.
The items that drop exclusively from NPCs when they die from magic reaction or when defeated by the Persuasion special actions are no longer guaranteed to drop.
They now have a low chance of dropping, and only if the rare loot trigger is on.
They also have an item level, and the amount of experience they yield has also been increased.
This is to reduce the hassle of having to pick up all those items and then use them one at a time. It was also making other money-making methods obsolete.
It's a hassle to burn through the number of dark fragments you get, so trap disarming town board quests now give only 1 as a reward. In exchange for that, the item level of the dark fragment will increase [with quest difficulty].
The amount of abyss power and charges received from using it, as well as the item sale price now scale with the item's level.
Reduced the selling price of dark orbs and added 1 new type of dark orb.
Rebalanced the dark fusion recipe so that it produces 1 each of every type of dark orb to make up for the increased rarity of dark fragments.
3 abyss power will now be gained whenever the player character or an allied NPC disarms a trap.
Traps set by the player do not count.
To make traps more user-friendly, allied NPCs no longer disarm traps set by the player.
Furthermore, the player character and allied NPCs no longer set off traps set by the player.
Nerve elemental damage from Thread of Innervation special action no longer causes the target's HP to go negative.
It now performs the check to turn the target into a flesh doll immediately after applying the damage.
The chance to convert the target into a flesh doll has also been increased.
Furthermore, the chance of conversion now increases with the user's Gene engineer skill.
You no longer have to carefully manage the target's HP only for it to not drop a flesh doll like in previous versions.
Knockout special action no longer has the modifier that causes it to deal only 1/3 damage.
Instead, it has a 1/2 modifier applied to its chance to hit.
Tickling Hell special action now applies 3 turns of Dyspnea if the target is not already afflicted with Dyspnea.
Be careful not to unintentionally tickle somebody to death.
Weapons that have sucked enough blood and are able to level up now have [Growable] appended to their name to make it more obvious.
Throwing a dying cicada now deals player character Perception and Throwing skill and character level-dependent sound damage to the target after applying the usual Wince and Atrophy.
Wielding multiple weapons now falls under Dual Wield even when a shield is equipped.
When this happens, damage modifiers from the shield will apply but not the PV/DV bonuses.
This fixes the problem of equipping multiple weapons with a shield getting classified as a Shield-type playstyle, giving damage, PV, and DV bonuses while not getting the accuracy penalty for Dual Wielding.
Added a sound effect and message that displays when you are eligible to receive a gift from your god.
Shortened the number of hours until Sleepy to 13 hours, down from 15 hours.
Without mani's alarm clock, sleep now lasts from 7-10 hours, down from 7-11 hours.
Naps are now taken on the world map only when Sleepy.
The stats of the dark guardians summoned from the Aurtehom were a fair bit higher than intended, so their race has been changed to servant.