
Elona+ 2.23


Patch Notes


[New item]
potion plug
Junk item that does not spawn randomly.
Spawns at the feet of targets when they are attacked with a potioman.
When picked up they increase the number of potion plugs directly without going into the inventory.
[New field state]
[Reprimand Room]
Whenever any character on the map kills someone who was not hostile to that character, they will roll to have Wince and Punishment inflicted on them.
Potency of status ailment and debuff are dependent on the level of the character killed.
This means that you can debuff enemies by baiting them into hitting other enemies with their AOE attacks.
[New special actions]
Saint Blade
Learned upon getting the Saint feat.
A PV/DV element attack dependent on Will and Faith skill. Range of 3 tiles.
Deals more damage depending on the user's character level.