DOCTOR: - The doctor can no longer go to the same house 2 times in a row
POLICE: - The Police can't block the same person 2 times in a row
CLEANER: - Now you will not see it during the night if a cleaner cleans you and its effect stays forever. Also if that cleaned player is investigated or snitched only a yellow question mark will be seen.
So now cleaner can clean his imposter buddy to keep him out of harm's way or clean innocents to make it look like they are a cleaned impostor 🙂
SERIAL KILLER: The role of the person killed by a serial killer will always appear as an unknown yellow question mark.
BOMBER: The bomber will not be able to be blocked by the police when he tries to blow up his bombs.
THIEF: When the thief steals the bomber role he steals also all of his bombs that he already placed in other houses. However, don't be afraid if there is also a bomb in your house. You will detonate all of your bombs except the one that is placed in your own house.
When the investigator role is stolen by the thief, it will also steal all of the information cards that the investigator already has.
INSANE:Insane infrastructure has been upgraded. Now if an insane doctor visits a player, he sees that the insane doctor arrives at the house. So now the doctor will not be able to understand that he is not insane when he is seen.
The insane role can also think now that he is a snitch.
When a lookout saw a lot of people visiting a house, he immediately thought he was insane. Now the number of players that the insane lookout sees is reduced to solve this issue.
PROVOKER: If the provoker stays alone with the impostor at the end of the game and if he provokes the traitor that night, the provoker won't be hanged anymore. So he can win by voting the impostor out.
If the provoker uses his role and if that person dies that night the provoker does not lose one of his provoking rights.
TRAPPER: The location of the trap set by the trapper will always be in front of the door, so there will be no visual error of being trapped behind the house and missing that information in case you were not paying attention.
A special star is added next to the moderator's name so it is more visible now.
There is also a small icon added next to the player's his/her character in the game.
Now dead players see both the insane role and the role that the insane players think he is.
Dead players see also bombs that are already planted or if a person is blamed by the blamer.
Dead players can now also see how many rights the roles such as provoker, snitch, blamer, or survivor have left.
The information of the person joining the lobby is shared in the lobby chat.
The character walking animation has been made smoother.
In terms of using the roles, the ranking is now randomized every turn, and the same roles, impostor or innocent, will have a different priority each turn. So for example, if 2 police try to block each other, every round the outcome can be different.
We also made some minor improvements and fixed a lot of bugs:
Infinite sending error in bug reporting tool has been fixed
Bug reporting tool not showing sent feedback has been fixed
Fixed a bug where you could not cast votes in the next round if you tried to vote for a house during the animation.
Role usage infrastructure has been improved which solved minor bugs on role usage at night.
The connection infrastructure has been improved which solved the disconnection problem experienced by players with low processor power.
Fixed a bug that caused players leaving the game to be seen as a white role in the endgame panel.
Fixed the bug that caused insane or doctors to be seen sometimes as a red insane or red doctor role when they are blamed.